Corruption of Former Victorian Chief Health Officer, Australia | Brett Sutton

4 months ago

Former Chief Health Officer [Victoria, Australia], Brett Sutton has admitted that evidence given during the pandemic was based on “a best guess” and that he failed to properly explain himself at times.

He forced millions of people into lockdown, enacted curfews, mandated vaccinations, closed down schools and didn’t allow families to properly farewell their loved ones… and it all was very likely based on “a best guess.”

The evidence was always there. Eminent public health experts were aggressively silenced and smeared in order that "experts" like Brett Sutton could help to sell the biopharmaceutical-military industrial complex lie that a dangerous virus was going to kill you unless you agreed to submit to useless and lethal interventions.

Brett Sutton's brother Trevor is a senior ranking Australian government statistician who would have a very clear understanding of the data manipulation that the Australian government engaged in to create fear and compliance amongst the population.

Trevor is married to Jane Halton. Jane was the Secretary of the Australian Department of Health and Ageing from 2002 - 2014, & Secretary of the Department of Finance from 2014-2016. She has held senior board roles with ANZ Bank, Clayton Utz, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) & Crown Casino. She was the Independent Chair of COTA Australia. (Council on the Ageing) from 2017. In 2020, she was appointed to the Morrison government's National COVID Commission, months after representing CEPI at Event 201, a Coronavirus Pandemic simulation supported by the Gates Foundation who founded CEPI. Is there any doubt that she advised her brother in law Bret in his role as an "expert" on Victoria's pandemic response? Is there any doubt that Bret will benefit handsomely from the role he played?

Halton has held concurrent roles within the gambling & casino industry at the same time she has held senior roles within global health organizations. The Sutton family are embedded in the globalist agenda.


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