“Negative” Emotions Do Not Make Us Less Spiritual - a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

2 months ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for October 25: "“Negative” Emotions Do Not Make Us Less Spiritual.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - It is ok to allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. This way you bring them to the surface where they can be healed.
2 - Stop fueling the ego's negative thinking by ending the time, focus and energy you are sacrificing to them.
3 - Trust that God being Love and All, that He will use all your experiences for good.
4 - Negative emotions are simply trying to show you what you no longer want to be, experience or share.
5 - When feeling down, remind yourself, you co-designed your journey with the Divine, thus it must be perfect for you.
6 - Ask yourself: "How can I use this experience so I am no longer triggered by it?
7 - When feeling down, just recall your past difficulties and how you overcame them, then be at peace knowing that this to will pass.
8 - Using your past 'negative' experiences/emotions as tools that you can now put on your 'spiritual toolbelt'
9 - By dealing with what 'triggers' you, you become less triggered by it.
10 - If your emotions don't deliver to you the peace of mind and joy you want, why continue to support them with your time, focus and energy?
11 - Feel how your feelings are making you feel.
12 - When stuck in negative emotions, simply do the opposite of what the ego is demanding you to do. If the ego's demands judgment, forgive instead.
13- Tools that assist you in leaving behind the negative emotions and returning your mind to peace.
14 - Making a list of the 'top 20 ways' I can let go of my negative thinking and return to peace. Print it out. Put it on your mirror.
15 - Daily Inspiration: October 26. Using the Ego’s Thoughts to Free Us from the Ego – Condensed Version
16 - Learning when the ego or the truth in you is in control of your thoughts, and thus of your mind and life.
17 - Learning the signs of when the ego is control of your mind - when conflict, chaos, confusion, anxiousness, fear result.
18 - Learning when the truth in you is in control of your mind - when you have peace, joy, trust in God, faith, hope, etc.
19 - How to take back control of your mind when the ego is in control.
20 - Another Daily Inspiration comments on the 'ego's timing' vs 'Divine timming'
21 - Act, be proactive, but do so not from a place of anger, but from a place of peace.
22 - Being open and honest but through the energy of love, not anger.
23 - Learning to pray for those the ego would have you condemn.
24- Bringing in God/the Holy Spirit into any difficult interaction to help guide you through the process/mediation.
25 - Relationship never end, they just change forms.

Daily Inspiration: October 25. “Negative” Emotions Do Not Make Us Less Spiritual – Condensed Version

The only emotions we can truly heal are those we allow ourself to feel. Today, let us give ourself permission to feel “negative” emotions without being made to feel wrong, bad or less than for doing so. Let us do this, not with the intent to hurt others, but to heal ourself. When we become an example that those who hurt can heal, we light a path of hope for those who are feeling lost and hopeless. By doing so, we help them find their way back Home to the state of peace. We are here together to work through the emotions that are currently blocking our awareness to our loving nature and thus to the state of peace. Let us now learn to use these negative emotions, not to judge self or others and thus dive deeper into the darkness, but instead to recognize and remove the barriers and beliefs that are blocking our awareness and connection to our loving nature.

Today, if dealing with negative emotions: First, stop sacrificing any more of your time, focus and energy to the negative thoughts that are fueling the negative emotions. Second, remind yourself that you have co-created your journey with God, thus each step of it is sacred and will be used for good. Third, forgive your judgments and misperceptions of self and others. Fourth, remind yourself that God is perfect, only creates perfectly, and that you are His child and creation. Fifth, trust that because God is Love and All, all of your experiences and emotions, no matter how negative or challenging they may appear to be, will be used to help you grow, heal and awaken. Sixth, recall that there is no need to judge or have negative emotions when all is going to be used for good. Seventh, recall that each and every one of our journeys, having been co-designed with the Divine, with Perfection, are perfect for all of us. Eighth, trust that this truth is true, be at peace, and in doing so become a beacon of healing and peace for others.

Daily Inspiration: October 26. Using the Ego’s Thoughts to Free Us from the Ego – Condensed Version

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/zoom-with-james/#signup
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YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/peaceofmindnow

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