Killing Innocent Children Is OK?

4 months ago

I want you to just think of the absolute insanity and madness of the situation. Just imagine it.

200 years ago, it would be somewhat difficult to hide a genocide, but not out of the realm of possibility as communication and news was hard to come by due to technology. 100 years ago, definitely much harder because communication and news was easier to come by. So it would be hard, nearly impossible.

Today, 2023/2024/2025... News at the swipe of a finger, any country, any language, translation technology, INSTANT news at the tap of a finger, every human with a phone is a reporter able to share info on the spot.

There is ZERO way to hide a genocide, like the one in Gaza. Plenty of news, plenty of availability of proof. There is just no other way to say it so I will...

If you support Israel 🇮🇱, you do not get to claim its self defense, you don't get to claim ignorance, you don't get to say, "I didn't know."

If you support this then you flat out support genocide, and you should burn in hell because God will definitely not buy the playing dumb card.

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