Daily Bible Reading and Devotional: 102 days of Reading through Luke and Acts 10-29-2024

4 months ago

Thank you for watching, today’s reading for Tuesday October 29, 2024 from Acts 18:18 to 19:10. We are on day 86 of our 102 days reading through Luke and Acts. Today, Paul returns to Antioch and we are introduced to Apollos, a good sincere man, but he needed correction in some of his beliefs and teaching (YES! It does matter what we believe). In chapter 19, Paul arrives in Ephesus and finds some men who he thinks are Christians, but then there is a twist.

If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area or email me at 2 Timothy 4.2dot3ATgmail.com

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