Scotty Milas' All Things Considered Franchising Podcast with Jeff Gartner of Hudson Valley Swim

3 months ago

Today’s guest is Jeff Gartner, President and Founder of Hudson Valley Swim.

Hudson Valley Swim has been teaching infants, children, and adults of all ages to swim since the company was founded in 2003. They have been a member of various swim associations since established. Many of their swim techniques were first introduced via those associations and fine-tuned to the needs of their customers over time.

Jeff begins with alarming stats about why learning to swim is so important. He says, “Less than half of the children in the United States know how to swim. However, 85% of them spend lots of time around water in the warmer months. That’s a recipe for disaster.” He also states that there are 4,000 drownings each year and another 8,000 near-fatal drownings.

When asked what prompted Jeff into franchising Hudson Valley Swim, Jeff says, “I was approached several times that work with FSOs (Franchise Sales Organizations) like mine. I had already developed the concept of bottling it up. So, I said, let’s take a look at that and what is that opportunity?”

Jeff is asked about his business model and potential franchisees. He says, “The model is a pool rental model. We find facilities with underutilized pools with large square footage. We bring a program like ours so they can make money and bring in potential new customers. So, it’s a win-win all around.”

Scotty Milas can be reached at or at (860)751-9126. Visit his podcast website:

Jeff Gartner can be reached at or (888)4HV-SWIM.

#allthingsconsidered #scottmilas #franchiseopportunities #businessownership #jeffgartner #hudsonvalleyswim #fso #businessmodel #swimminglessons #fitnessfacilities

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