THE ARM OF GOD...the moment of my salvation

3 months ago

I finished this acrylic painting on canvas back in 1994. It is 24 inches by 36 inches and the image that best captures how I visualize the moment of my salvation on October 30, 1978.
I was raised without any Jesus in my life and by the time I graduated from high school in 1977 I was a real mess. My Dad left on my 13th birthday so we had no father to watch over us as we navigated the teenage drug world of the 70's.
Thankfully my Christian Grandmother took me in after my mother threw me out in the summer of 77.
Suddenly the pagan drughead that I had become was now being taken to CHURCH!!! Whaaaaa?!?!?! Yep, church...a Baptist Church where the Gospel of Jesus Christ was delivered and explained to me week after week.

God set me up to be saved. I was arrested for stealing 17 cents worth of rolling papers on a Sunday when I refused to go to church with my Mamaw Crum...God got right on that one. He made sure that I was arrested for a ridiculously low amount just to drive home His point.

The short of it is that the very next day I was BORN AGAIN and Jesus saved even me. The Bible calls Satan THE GREAT RED DRAGON so that is how I chose to paint him. This painting carries the most important moment of my entire lifetime...the second that God chocked out the devil and set me FREE!


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