90 in 90 - Day 43- Advice

4 months ago

90 in 90 - Day 43- Advice

We hope these topics are useful to you and help you on your path to living a life beyond your dreams. This 90-day series helps change the focus from life's distractions to the process of healing.

Please like, share, follow, and subscribe - we are on most social media platforms. Don't use today even if your ass falls off - #DUTEIYAFO


This 90-day series is not affiliated with any specific program, Anonymous or otherwise. We offer no endorsement or promotion of any specific organization, intentionally non-secular, and ideally designed to be a simple set of Concepts that can, and should be, we pray, a benefit to you, The Listener.

"Any port in the storm" is the basic motivation for the series. Can we leave you better than we found you? That is the intention.

We are open to hearing constructive comments, and understand that your experience in life, is what makes you who, and what, you are.

Our 40 plus years involved in the process of recovery is what we are looking to offer. Take what you need and leave the rest.

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