Mind Control Part of Transhumanist's Brain Experimentation for 2030 Brain Phone! Yikes!

3 months ago

This video below… is basically about the People and the Peoples lawyer who is Sueing the Government for damages done to EMF Targeted Individuals (TIs) chosen and put on a list for being a ‘supposed’ Terrorist… which is the farthest from the truth, because they are not Terrorist, but simply American citizens placed on the list for the governments experimental electronic harassing, stalking, tracking and even causing bodily pain. They are also using ‘voice to skull’ technology where these innocent Americans citizens are hearing voices due to this well-known technology since the 1950’s.

In other words, they are using thousands if not millions of citizens for their brain experiments… using EMF Radio Frequencies… no doubt to build their brain phone technology.

This is the victim’s story. This is from the targeted individual’s story… and the brave Texas Lawyer defending them. She’s a real hero.

Some of these cases ARE winning in court AND the victims are being compensated.

Why… because finally most people are aware of this illegal technology first exposed from Havana Cuba… which is why it is called the “Havana Syndrome”. There are various types of invasive mental or physical torture done to ‘TIs’ (Targeted Individuals) so it is not just the Havana syndrome but similar.

Ana Toledo… a lawyer for the tortured TIs in Texas believes when they win in court here in Texas… lawyers from all other states will then have legal precedents to defend their TI clients, in their states. Which is very important… and eventually freeing other victims from around the world. Yes… this Electronic Gangstalking and torture is happening worldwide.

WEBSITE: TARGETED JUSTICE - Targeted Justice for Targeted Individuals https://www.TargetedJustice.com Please consider donating to this organization for they are the frontline warriors which will hopefully be able to wake up humanity thus stop the Globalist coming brain torture & brain phones which will not work… but kill many in the process… as the Prophecy in the book of Daniel 2:43 declares…

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

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