Zionist Jews & Palestine

4 months ago

Theodor Herzl was a secular Jew and one of the founders of the modern Zionist movement. In 1896, he published "Der Judenstaat" (The Jewish State), advocating for the establishment of a Jewish state. He thought that the best way to outrun antisemitism in Europe was for the Jews to annihilate a thriving population in Palestine and steal their homeland. Herzl (backed by Rothchild's dirty money) approached the Ottoman Khalifa Abdul Hamid II a few times and proposed using Jewish financial resources to help the Ottoman Empire solve its financial problems in exchange for the right to settle Jews in Palestine. The Ottoman Sultan rejected Herzl's proposals. Abdul Hamid II was unwilling to cede any part of the Ottoman Empire's territory, particularly Palestine, which held significant religious importance. The Ottomans were also wary of the potential political implications of allowing a large influx of Jewish settlers into the region. Despite the rejection, Herzl did not give up. He continued to seek support from other world leaders but faced similar difficulties.
The idea of buying Palestine outright did not work entirely however individual colonizer Jews in the early 1900's who knew the plan were involved in buying large chunks of land from unsuspecting Palestinian landowners. The destruction of the Ottoman Empire was necessary for their plans to gain control over Palestine, the Holy Land.
Let's take a step back from this story and understand the secret war against the Ottomans that had been going on for decades before this. The face of this enemy was the British but the masterminds behind this were the Jewish bankers. "Confessions of the British Spy" is the testimony of a British spy Hempher in which he revealed how he had been involved in the covert war against the Ottomans and Islam. He revealed how he has been involved in propping up fake Imams who would give liberal fatwas that would disrupt the fabric of the society. He revealed how he and many thousands of other spies were involved in promoting alcohol, fornication, and other degeneracies to weaken the people. Eventually, with decades of hard work, the Ottomans indulged in worldly pleasures and sin prevailed. Many of these spies were caught and the Ottomans understood that the British were their enemies. They had reason to side with Germany during World War I as they wanted to eliminate those who were promoting degeneracy to weaken the people. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire, which controlled the Middle East, was aligned with the Central Powers against the Allies. The British saw an opportunity to weaken the Ottoman Empire by supporting an Arab uprising. Thomas Edward Lawrence aka Lawrence of Arabia, was an Arabic-speaking Britsh intelligence asset who they used to fuel an Arab Revolt. He promised Arab leaders that the British would support the creation of an independent Arab state after the war. Palestine was promised to the Arabs as per this agreement. Lawrence worked alongside Arab leaders like Sherif Hussein. These Arab leaders were given monthly payments. The Ottomans had been offered several million pounds for Palestine and they had refused... yet the Arabs happily betrayed the Ottomans just to be on the Jewish-British payroll. Only 1 Million pounds was allocated for these arab leaders and the Arab Revolt. The Arabs sided with the British against their Muslim brethren for land and monetary gain. Their treason was met with betrayal. The British and French governments had already made secret agreements such as the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, to divide the Middle East between themselves after the war. The Balfour Declaration (1917) came as a backstab when the promised state of Palestine was made a "National home for the Jewish people". The Jewish bankers played the game very smartly from the shadows. The separation of the Arabs from the Ottoman Empire was a devastating blow. The Ottoman Empire was effectively dismantled in the aftermath of World War I. Muslims who understood what had happened, sided with the Germans in World War II. The Waffen-SS Division "Handschar" was composed of thousands of European Muslims from Bosnia, who rightfully fought against the same Jewish-backed British empire that had slowly decayed the Ottomans from within. Since the defeat of the Muslims in World War I(due to their own treachery) and the later defeat of the Christians in World War II (by their own treachery)... the world continues to grow secular and darker... though branded as the "Enlightenment". Since then all the countries of the world have been ruled by Jews, Crypto Jews, or Shabbos Goyim...and they all continue to strive for a unitarian global government while the common people are blinded into a world of drugs sex, and rock-and-roll.


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