Roman-ku Suggests MIDWAY!

4 months ago

When someone exposes the Jesuits from behind a Latin pseudonym.
The vast majority of “alt media” personalities blame Jews. Those that don’t make themselves invisible and/or impossible to contact...except Johnny!
At the “Alfred E. Smith Memorial”, the Orange Phallus bragged about sending “millions” to ROME.
When “social networking” blames the Jews!
Are there “promises” the Jews can receive regardless of their loyalty to Jesus of Nazareth?
How do Christians get fooled?
1944: The military/government complex magically makes CATHOLIC Hispanic illegals “American citizens”.
Perhaps the most powerful Jesuit of his day—Edmund Walsh—and his role from Nuremberg to Tokyo.
MIDWAY! (2019)—the Freemasonic Jesuit Theater remake of MIDWAY! (1976) But what are they not telling you.
George Henry Gay No. II: Midway gatekeeper.
Medals, ribbons and COINS: how the military manipulates its victims.
Hollywood: from “1917” to “Gladiator 2”.
Stephen Barr, William Barr and Donald Barr: what the media ISN’T telling you.
New Zealand’s proud lesbian ship-sinking “captain” (revisited by the black “Conservative Twins”).
The kidnapping, “trial” and execution of Otto Adolf Eichmann (revisited).
Justin Leslie, Dawn Lester, Amandha Voller and Marty 33 Rosary Beads Leeds: only Justin is no-longer mad at Johnny.
* “Skeptics” of “the historic Jesus”.
Ernst Rohm (what did he get right?), Heinrich Himmler and Heinrich Muller: the Jesuits of MUNICH.
Adolf Hitler (from DEVOUTLY Catholic Austria) was “above” the “sectarian infighting” between Prussian Protestants and Catholic Poles.
The ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST behind Nazi “racial purity” “Arianism” (revisited).
From the Wehrmacht to the convent!
WW2 PILLSBURY doughboy and his special CATHOLIC guest.

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