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Someone Is Getting Help. Not Buying Into a Longstanding Pattern Of Denial the slipstream
When I was really little, like probably three years old, I saw the Wizard of Oz. My parents weren't home. They'd gone out to dinner, and Mom said as she went out the door, she looked at the TV and thought, oh, that's great, you know, because I was there with my older siblings, and it looked like it would be fun. And it's a great movie, but it has the Wicked Witch of the West portrayed by Margaret Hamilton as the actress. Just about the scariest, I mean, you know, it makes grown men quake. She was very scary. So I started having witch dreams. I'm not sure that the movie was the entire basis. This is for it, but it catalyzed something. And my mother herself used to say I'm a witch, you know, kind of casually. I mean, like, you know, she'd kind of brag about it and half-joking, but with a sort of twinkle in her eye, like, anyways. So I think she felt some responsibility that I was suddenly having these, you know, witch was out to kill me. Basically, it was very, very scary. But what she did, I think, was fascinating. She, um, like the first Halloween I remember, and again, tiny, I mean, like up to people's knees. She got me a witch, made me a witch costume. I mean, it was back in the day we didn't buy them, we made them. And she made me the conical hat and found a little black dress and a little black cape and a tiny little bracelet. And, you know, the, the fireside brums or the kitty brums, they're little. And, you know, and I just went ripping around the house. I remember being so excited and, you know, in part the attention I was getting, but just the idea that I was the witch. We went to a party in the town and, you know, I just remember scooting all over the place with my little broom. And, and I think rather than her saying, that's not real, that's a movie, you know, we just won't watch scary movies anymore. She kind of handed me the power. You know, don't be afraid that you weld the power. She invented for me a little, she called her Florentine, a little good witch who was about this big and who would, uh. You know, just gave me power through her littleness. Mom was kind of brilliant in a way, but she was also in some ways the inspiration for my fear because she could be so intense and so fierce. So a real, uh, you know, the light side and the dark side of the mother figure, the Madonna and Kali. And she was both. But I love the idea of taking the thing. That is scaring you and somehow making yourself, uh, identify with that. It's sort of like shadow work. Um, and I worked out a lot of shadow stuff in my dream. The dreams went on for years and years and I got stronger and stronger to the point where I was like, Hey, which, you know, let's go. Um, so, so I don't know. But yeah. Cool. So. It's a little good witch. Good witch. Two of Pentacles. Card of choice. A card of change of something like the two-sided coin. Like maybe we can never be entirely the good witch or the bad witch. You know, I'm just speaking metaphorically. I, I, you know, I pay attention to the moon and I have a black hat and there's certain like indicators that in other eras could have gotten me into a lot of trouble and the cards and the whole thing. bit so anyway the choice please the two-sided coin judgment gabriel blowing the horn okay i need one more please magician well i think this is somebody stepping into you know taking the step in a concrete way into their own power you know kind of tapping into um primal power and it's almost like the vibrational sound of the of the trumpet is bringing these people back to life could be a very loud message from the cosmos and here in this same earth energy virgo gemini of magician card stepping into the parrot as a manifester you know being able to actually like a lightning rod you can take you you can take it the power from above and bring it into the world with some intention with some control and and kind of for the greater good for this is almost like a you know for the collective some kind of call to new life okay can you tell us about the new life please and the choice or the change the stepping into some kind of you know loud psychic energy well again a card of manifestation you know here we've we've done the thing we've got all the things we need right here on the table all the elements on the table to bring it through you know it's kind of hocus pocus dominocus and now waiting for the answer for the thing to come through stepping into our power manifestors you know it's on its way it's a card of the future but but this person's waiting with they can feel it coming and they are optimistic about it and here it really is like the magic wand okay card of action wands are card of action inspiration creativity so somebody's really done something in order to manifest this new life they may have made a decision they may have kind of stepped into the world and they're going to manifest this new life they may have stepped into some like almost like a new uh i was going to say realm of existence and that's that sounds awfully but it is a realm in the sense of a place of the real pentacles energy this is real realm making something manifest in earth energy using this vibrational blast blast somehow being able to shape it and then bring it into the world and then bring it into a movement in my body into being bringing it into being sorry into being bringing it into being sorry insoluble uh hihihi e coordinator sex breath tell us about the new life please the judgment card some decision two of pentacles because judgment card could be like a judgment call so some kind of decision has been made okay three of wands looking to the future after laying down completing the next cycle you know something couldn't come into being until there was closure something had gotten you know heavy cumbersome um outmoded so there's like the dance of change let's shake this up a bit and it's almost like i'm getting almost like the the vibration of the steps the dance the dance of change is then amplified by cosmo you know the big powerful energies it's like this is almost like a celestial microphone i'm seeing this or a bull's horn you know it amplifies it what's the manifestation we see all things about you know working up to it how does it come through in 3d we've made space for it somehow is it this one king of swords well king of swords could be a gemini has made space for i think they made a decisive decision they got very clear about something i mean it was hard to ignore because it was spirit was like putting the megaphone right in their ear you know can you hear me now there was a commercial that a cellular service can you hear me now can you hear me now it's almost like spirit is saying you know giving this unbelievable blast and rocking someone's world this rocking motion of two of pentacles so king of swords is very clear he's cleared the air and he's cleared the air and he's cleared the air and he's cleared the space for something that he be he he has manifested and he she they want to come in in the future they're waiting for it to come in they've taken the action they've made the choice they've kind of heeded the call of the of the universe and they're channeling and they're making room for it so again what is the future thing the three of wands what is the king of swords waiting for up domestically like with a reasonable expectation that he's taken whatever steps were necessary to bring this thing through he she they i mean okay on three of wands is it this one strength card also in wands energy and fire energy a card of leo this was not uh you know poof there it is this took a lot of effort and a lot of time and a lot of effort and a lot of courage and a kind of optimism to keep the faith keep believing that something would come in you know if the cycle was closed out there wouldn't just be emptiness something would come in and this person may just be flooded with their own sense of purpose and lion-hearted you know i'll face the future courageously you know the cycle is closed out now i'm on kind of the precipice of the new thing and it's a wonderful symbiosis here it's like um it could be it could be waiting for uh a partner so i always see this as a card of partnership of mutual support of lending each other strength of feeling compassion for one another king of swords may have made a choice to to try to manifest this and with a big it's almost like um you know the vibrational loudness of this heavenly uh nudge kind of brought brought this thing to a close and this is sort of like clearing out the rubble ten of wands making space tell us what say you king of swords here we go hey man of clubs where do you manifest love what are you manifesting because we still haven't really gotten an answer manifesting king of cups that here yeah king of cups sun card is clarifying the choice two of pentacles and world card clarifying magician wow well it appears to be this person is is going for happiness you know this is me tripping i'm going through a timeline right now with one thing or another i will battle against each other so i see it as one of my childhood agora ilos de mat воды they're they're closing out a cycle that is right and proper over it's like it's spent they've done everything done that been there something like that now what's next what do i want to come in next what do i want to do in the future wand energy is all about taking action and this is the big we've got two huge leo energy cards taking action to have the courage to wait for your future to unfold to choose happiness and light and again action divine masculine you know i'm going to do this and i think it's sort of like i'm going to go for my happiness i'm going to dismantle anything that was in the way that was taking up that space like draining my passion manifesting this world card capricornian uh closing out of like a lesson or something this person has done has allowed them to move on to the next thing through this portal so this clearing out in everyday life this some sort of everyday cycle that may be some somebody had done the same way for like years months decades strikes me as decades just because it's 10 and to the point where it became monotonous and heavy and just took their strength away and now the strength is coming back and i said what are you manifesting uh king of swords and it was king of cubs they might be trying to manifest something expensive with the help of somebody but being aERS i was trying to manifest somebody more love in their life somebody who loves them trying to manifest somebody more love in their life somebody who loves them who makes them happy. It may be actually, you know, after some sort of time apart, there's a kind of reunion energy. I don't see anybody cutting loose, but it's stepping into joy. It's stepping into warmth. So what's the relationship between these two? It could be two sides. The two sides of the coin, you know, there's sort of the severe overthinking side, and then the slightly soft, sentimental, open-hearted side of the same person. Because see, we do have, this is a card of the individual, of the ego in that sense. You know, the person, the face that they show the world, but this coin has two faces, two sides. And this is, in a way, is a card of wholeness. You know, all parts of me have been kind of reintegrated. So now I'm able to pass through the portal as my genuine self. I've done the work. Perhaps, you know, again, I'm getting the shadow work, but that's coming to life. You know, somebody's done the work to get shadow. You know, what they were doing. They were denying about themselves. They didn't want to own up to something, and now they're owning it. That's a big change for this person. Tell us about judgment, please. This kind of, I heard apocalyptic vibration, but apocalypse sounds wrong to me. I mean, if it was apocalyptic, there's life on the other side. These people are coming back to life. It may have been something that some blow to the psyche, and this person has to take away the leftover pieces or the rubble or something like that. Okay, on judgment, please. Oh, that's an awful lot. All of these? Oh, for goodness sakes. We'll be here all night on judgment. We have night, night of cups. Second chance at love, baby. Love is on the move. I feel like that's two cards. No. So, it's a second chance, something coming back to life on the basis of a decision somebody made, perhaps the divine masculine, to kind of come clean and show themselves and declare their love. You know, or just to acknowledge a connection. Doesn't have to be romantic. Could be a same-sex couple. But they're acknowledging a connection. Tell us about the Ten of Wands, King of Wands. Well, that's the guy who gets it done. You know, who could even sort of be imperious and say, you know, I'm done with that. Oops. I'm done with that. Take out the trash. Get it done. Because I've got things ahead. And I've got my mojo working. Ten of Wands fell on the floor. Well, like, we're really done with it. And this one is a little bit like, get it out of my face. And we're three-quarters of the way to emperor here. Could be three brothers or something like that. But I think it's one, you know, this is the one. This one. So, closing out a cycle. What's the cycle that's being closed out? It's also, it's like an integration. I keep getting that. Like, this is the integration. All the pieces of somebody coming together, like, like, suddenly assembling. All the parts of a person are just suddenly assembling. It's like the sorcerer's apprentice or something like that. All the broken pieces getting, suddenly going back together. Like Humpty Dumpty getting pieced back together. Queen of Swords. Moon. We have Sun Moon. Yin Yang. Masculine, feminine. King of Swords, Queen of Swords. This can be, you know, a fear of the unknown. But Queen of Swords would approach it quite fearlessly. And now I'm getting, like, that idea of Mom equipping me to face my fear by giving me the garb of the little witch. Like, face it head on. And also with the knowledge, sword energy, that this is your terrain. Divine feminine. And somehow you're protected with this sword. You're, you know, nothing in this realm, what you don't know, can't hurt you. Because this is, in a way, a card of unknowing. But this is a card of knowing. Something's coming to consciousness. And I think part of what's coming to consciousness is this Queen of Swords knowledge, sword energy of their own power. Power to manifest. Power to attract. To work the subconscious mind. You know, to somehow bond these two together in a kind of synthesis. Where did you go? Synthesis. The blend of these two energies. Inalienable. Intellect and intuition. Moon card being highly intuitive. Eight of Cups. Well, that's sort of like traveling through. Because moon is water energy, cancer energy. And here's water energy, cups energy. And it shows somebody walking away. Into this. In pursuit of some sort of truth. I think the moon, we've got a new moon in Scorpio. In early November. And I mean, here we have the moon card. And then this water energy path lit by the moon. So somehow the archetypal realm, the kind of mystery realm of the unconscious, and how it expresses in 3D, are coming into a kind of synergy. You know, they're working together somehow. Somehow. How are they working? What's going on? What's happening between king and queen of swords? Between the sun and the moon? You know, the moon energy exerts great gravitational pull. Pull thing, you know, maybe a smaller planetary body, but it's enough to, you know, it pulls, creates the tides. Eight of pentacles, that's some kind of mastery or work. Two eights, eight of cups, eight of pentacles, like a work in progress energy. You know, and there is progress. Somebody's moving forward, bringing understanding to a situation that may have been murky or not so clear. And queen of swords is walking right into it. You know, with discovery, like, what have we got here? What's going on? And I asked, what's going on between these two? And I got eight of pentacles. That's like a work in progress. Something that's taken a long time, pentacles energy. It's like working toward something, working toward completion, working toward the next stage. Okay. Bottom of the deck, six of swords. Working toward something. This is like a crossing over to a conversation. A calmer way of thinking or, you know, a calmer place. Getting space around yourself. Some kind of transitional period. What's that about? The transitional period. Work in progress. Oh my goodness. Devil. Capricorn energy of work. It's shadow work. It's hard work. It's work to free yourself. It's almost like taking the raw energy of, um, something that's unmolded and shaping it. You know, taking control, mastering the art of how to live in the world, perhaps, and free yourself from codependency or, um, perhaps some kind of addiction. There's the choice again. Which way do I go? How do I get there? I think this is almost like we have these manifestations. Manifestation and, you know, somebody manifesting something, working on it, building it, here they are again manifesting it. And it's almost like they're manifesting the portal, the way out of something that was holding them back. Codependency or, so I think maybe in a funny way, this king and queen of swords are helping each other to build, you know, a future, a choice, a future that frees them. Devil energy, you know, breaks the chains. I can make a choice that it's almost like manifesting the doorway, you know, building it like, okay, five of cups or fives. This is a part of sadness of regret of what's been lost. There may even be regret over, um, breaking away from, I mean, you know, you can be very attached to something or someone in a way that if the chains break, it may be the healthy thing, but it's also incredibly sad. You know, it can be, you can do it with great regret, but you do it anyway. Juan's energy, you make the decision to open the door and it's not like escapism, but it's taking concrete action to manifest a way out and opening in a situation that was really had held you back or possibly the other person or both of you like you've worked on it together. Eight of Pentacles, devil, you, you, you've tried and tried to free yourselves and it might also be just the doorway to have wands out of sadness. There's, I think that the melancholy comes from leaving behind something that was not healthy, not good, was sapping energy, was sapping, you know, wasting, wasting time in, in mourning something that was already gone and somehow you work to free yourself. And I think in cooperation, yeah, in cooperation with, with the divine masculine, because you're moving on both of you and there's a child as well. You may have a child with this person. So I feel like there's a question more and here it is. This is sort of the query page of swords. What's the takeaway? What can I learn from this? If I look into it, what am I going to discover? What am I going to discover on the other side of this portal? Okay. What are we going to discover ourselves? It's like we open the door and there we are. It's sort of a bit like I'm moving toward a calmer state of mind and it changes how we live. It's sort of the coming into ourselves energy, you know, out of some kind of mental agitation or fight or five of swords, you know, bad communication. Now things are getting smoother and calmer. Things are settling. Wow. I'll say 10 of cups. Good things are on the way. Boy, oh boy, 10 of cups. That's the quest for it. That's kind of a, where'd it go? Two of wands. Yeah. That's kind of like the prayer. And this is the answer. It's coming in, you know, and it's something warm and a good match and you know, no phoniness in this relationship. There may have been great phoniness and whatever you or the other guy or both of you broke away from was like toxically, um, it was just a, it was kind of a fake. Lates dies? This is something like getting real, making it real. This went on for a long time. I don't know exactly the dynamic, but somebody's really waking up. This went on for a long time. love on the move it's almost like this thing goes hog you know sometimes call it the celestial alarm clock ringing dingy dingy and everybody pops out of the coffins and you know lands on their feet and off they are to deliver the a recognition of this connection and how important it is i mean for goodness sakes four of wands that's stability and affection and warmth and the meeting place and reunion and joy and moving in the right direction four of wands ten of cups last card out death card is scorpio time is where we're at in the scorpio new moon which is in a matter of days and that's can be this card could be interpreted that way to in like three days anticipating it's going to start moving very quickly this doorway will open and because somebody's put the work in probably both of you to free yourselves like you may have been in a toxic this connection may have been quite draining and toxic and stuck for a long time capricorn energy oh my god how hard is this how long will this take and now the door is open and it looks like it's open to great happiness great change in scorpio time in the scorpio new moon i believe and it may you know i mean it certainly involves that um taking out of the trash card oh that's the one that i dropped the 10 of wands the end of a cycle something being over so you can make room for something new and if that's the case trade it in you know and whatever this absolute joyful connection is it only grounds you more in yourself you know it's not this kind of earth energy you're working to free yourself you're moving forward to a better more peaceful place and this is where you're secure and safe and sound where you can live your life and this is the life unfolding and i know that sounds incredibly optimistic but that's what this is this is a part of optimism it's hard to manifest good things into your life if you're coming from a place of it will never happen not a chance in hell not a chance in hell you can set yourself free capricorn energy and good things will come to you and they might come in a way that i mean it does demand uh that certain things will things will certainly change and i think there may be some uh walking away from some situation in order to get uh to the higher love i think their relationship has definitely transformed something detoxified it okay that's it i'll see you guys next time i hope that made some sense to you let me just go through the signs we have capricorn in the devil card and capricorn again in this the world card you know stepping through into the whole i think it's taken a hell of a long time and a lot of work to pull off this emotional transformation scorpio all the fixed signs leo twice in strength card and in the sun and and judgment a crossroads energy someone is telling me no you don't have a choice a choice a choice for new life love on the move coming in through the open door okay hang on to your hats love is on the move i'll see you next time love is on the move i'll see you next time
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