The Red Breasted Merganser: Close Up HD Footage (Mergus serrator)

2 months ago

The Red-breasted Merganser is a rather striking diving duck that you might spot around the UK's coastline. These birds are brilliant fishers, using their long, thin bill with serrated edges (like tiny teeth) to catch fish underwater. The males are quite the sight during breeding season, sporting a dark green head, white neck ring, and a rusty-red breast. Females are more subtle, with a reddish-brown head and grey body.
These clever ducks often work together when fishing, forming a line to herd fish into shallow water where they're easier to catch. They're excellent swimmers and can dive up to 4 metres deep! In Britain, you'll mainly see them around our coastal areas in winter, though some stay year-round in Scotland where they breed.
They make their nests close to water, usually hidden in vegetation. The female typically lays 8-10 eggs and looks after the chicks on her own. The ducklings can swim and find their own food just a day after hatching!

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