NCI Testimony: Tamara Main - October 19, 2024 - Vancouver, BC ** INSTANT REPLAY **

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We are pleased to re-stream the testimony of Tamara Main from the NCI 2024 Hearings in Vancouver, B.C. where we asked the question:

"Are Children Safe In Canada?"

In this concerning testimony, Tamara Main, a B.C. parent details the serious challenges she faced getting psychological care for her academically gifted daughter, who had recently gone through a traumatic experience and was struggling with deep depression. She describes how the social worker assigned from the Ministry of Children and Family Development attempted to persuade Tamara to get her daughter tested for autism, attend university in another province away from Tamara while still a minor, and exclude Tamara from all involvement in her daughter's care.

Tamara's story continues to worsen as she describes her daughter's experience at university while Tamara was powerless to aid or provide comfort to her daughter who she describes has been receiving gender conversion treatment without her knowledge.

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