PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Swamp Creatures Of Politics

4 months ago

The Punishment Of My Swamp Creatures Of Politics

“My Eye is on the Swamp Creatures of Washington, My son, and I will drain them, says the LORD of Hosts. For I Am A God of Vengeance, My son, and eliminate I will all Swamp Creatures from the land. For My Eye Is on all they do, and I Am A Vengeful God for what they have done to the American people in exploiting them for money. For all evil politicians are Mine, and I know all they do behind the scenes, for nothing is hidden from Me, says God, and I definitely know everything they do. Nothing is hidden from My Eye, and I will punish all evildoing says the LORD. For I Am Zealous against evildoing, and all evildoers are marked by Me for eternal damnation in Hell, for they are servants of Satan in his service, and will not repent to Me, My son. For I have marked all evildoers in their service to Satan in trying to set up the New World Order reign of the Antichrist, My enemy. And take over the world he will, for all are marked for damnation who refuse to repent to Me, says God. And they shall endure eternal Hell forever, all evildoers of sin and wickedness who prefer working evil to doing My will, says the Living LORD of Hosts. All are marked by Me for their eternal damnation forever who prefer Satan to serving Me. For they refuse to serve Me, and all manner of righteousness is detestable to them, having loved evil and sin, and refusing Me. For the Antichrist will work in them until he appears, in setting up the Man of Sin by working all evil in the land, says the LORD of Hosts. For they will not serve Me, and for that I Am filled with vengeance against them in working all evil in the land. And they will not survive My wrath against them, Swamp Creatures that they are in working all evil in the land. For My Hand is against them in all they do, and I will put them into deepest Hell forever, even the Lake of Fire is where they shall dwell for all eternity, says the Living LORD of Hosts, amen!”

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