PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My America Of Sin! Seven Judgments Of God’s Wrath Om The Land

3 months ago

The Punishment Of My America Of Sin! Seven Judgments Of God’s Wrath On The Land

“My son, I Am going to punish this nation of evil and wickedness exceedingly, because they just won’t obey. I Am A God of Wrath to My Christian people who stubbornly resist Me day after day, and refuse to do My will, My son. Expect hurricanes, tornados, floods, and all manner of disaster to ravage the land. My earthquakes from the West shall ravage that evil land of California and totally destroy it. Little will be left but rubble washed up on the shore. A new coastline shall form where once the land of wickedness was. I shall destroy all My sinners who refuse to repent but continue in their sin of wickedness and evil. My son, My drought shall ravage the farm areas of the land and nothing shall grow anymore because it is too dry there. Millions shall perish by starvation out West by My Hand of Wrath against them simply because My Christian people just won’t obey. I called and called them, and they just won’t obey Me, My son. Called to evangelism around the world and they stubbornly resist Me every day and refuse to go. I shall pour My wrath on them! Expect economic collapse and failure of the money supply to fail to save you, for My wrath has invaded that too. Expect hurricanes, floods, and all manner of disaster to ravage My land of disobedient people! If you live along the coasts expect My tsunamis to wipe you out O evil, wicked people! Flee to the Heartland if you want to live, but there I will get you too. Tornados shall wipe out whole towns and entire parts of cities under My wrath! I shall wipe out My people who stubbornly refuse to obey Me! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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