The Precinct

4 months ago

The Precinct is a top-down game, wich means that the camera angle shows player and the areas around them from above. (same style of American Fugitive)
The player can respond to calls and also patrol the streets, by foot or in a vehicle, looking for on-going crimes or just parking violations.
The player is encouraged to follow the law and will receive punishments if take illegal actions.
It is possible to ask for backup, however, backup tokens will be spent. If you run out of tokens, you will not be able to request support. (This was done to prevent the player from requesting support every time, which would ruin the game experience.)
The player always patrol as a "beat cop", meaning that you can't go undercover and there are no undercover police vehicles. However, all civillian cars can be comandeered if needed in emergency situations. It is not possible to go off-duty.
There are a variety of police vehicles, some of them can be unlocked by rank

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