Peter Lynch RIP - When A Prison Sentence Becomes A Death Sentence

4 months ago

So, 19th October 2024, an elderly gent dies in prison. And, although I'm sure people do die in prison on occasion, this one, this one was different.

It was unfair, unjust, it was wholly avoidable, and it was simply just, such a senseless loss.

You know, there's a reason we have due process in the justice system in this United Kingdom.

Sentences are commonly deferred for background reports, social services like to get involved for welfare checks, assessments, and a whole load of other if's, but's, and wait the noo's have to happen before somebody is sentenced fairly, and justly, and the punishment truly does fit the crime.

So can anybody explain to me why Peter Lynch, 61, a grandad with no previous convictions - for anything, was given 32 months behind bars for "shouting" at police during an anti-immigration - unrest?

What was he shouting? Things he probably shouldn't have been, granted, and he really shouldn't have been there - nobody is disputing that...

But, with mental health issues, diabetes, angina, thyroid issues, and who had already suffered a heart attack, Peter Lynch was, unwell, and within a week or two of committing the "capital crime" of "shouting", he was arrested, charged, and huckled away to start a grotesquely excessive 32 month prison sentence.

And who has since, sadly, died in prison by, it's suspected at this point, taking his own life.

Now this all comes in the wake of three beautiful, innocent, little souls being butchered by a knife wielding monster so of course people the length of breadth of this, United Kingdom, were upset, angry, and wanted justice.

They took to the streets and unrest... Riots ensued.

Maybe social media did go nuts, maybe emotions were through the roof, maybe misinformation and speculation was rampant, maybe fingers were pointed in the wrong places, maybe the government truly had to put a lid on it before it really kicked off, maybe, maybe, maybe...

But none of that should've ever been a factor in Peter Lynch not receiving the same due process through the courts, as anybody else.

Clearly little more than a deterrence, an example to others, somebody's grandad, somebody's dad, somebody's uncle, is now just, gone.

My question is, who's cross is this to bear? Who's not sleeping right because of this pointless loss. Who's conscience will this weigh heavy on?

Probably nobodies. And that right there is the sad part.

And it is just sad. It's just really, really, sad...

For everybody. There's absolutely no winners here.

I'll leave links in the description guys if anybody wants to follow this tragic story (if viewing on YouTube)

I'm Ali B and this, is The BIG Rip.

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