Exodus - Part 7 - Exodus 4:17-31

4 months ago

Moses is about to leave to go back to Egypt and follow God’s command. He has to leave his comfort zone, leave his fears behind, and leave his pride behind. It’s time to be obedient. Moses told his father-in-law that he was going back to Egypt to see if his brethren were still alive. Jethro sent Moses on his way with a blessing. God also gave Moses some assurance that all the people who were seeking his life in Egypt were dead.

Along the way, God instructs Moses on what to do and say to Pharaoh. Moses will perform all the signs that God has given him to do. Moses will tell Pharaoh to let Israel go, because Israel is equivalent to God’s firstborn son. Moses is to warn Pharaoh that if he doesn’t listen, God will kill Pharaoh’s firstborn son.

Then there is a strange interaction between Moses and God. God meets Moses and tries to kill him. Some footnotes suggest God afflicted him with a deadly disease. His wife then quickly circumcises their son and throws it at Moses’ feet. This is apparently enough for God to release Moses. Back in Genesis, God had commanded Abraham that all his descendants would be circumcised. For an unknown reason, Moses had disobeyed this command. But, Zipporah figured out that the right thing to do was follow that command and it saved Moses’ life.

After that harrowing ordeal, Moses is comforted by his brother coming out to meet him. Moses now has a partner to help him face Pharaoh. Moses tells Aaron everything God has told him and about the signs God will have them perform. They gather the elders as the Lord commanded, tell them everything God said, and show them the signs. The people believed and worshipped God.

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