EP 70 Fascia, Functional Patterns & Tissue Salts (10.23 Livestream)

3 months ago

Showcasing some of the most essential, biological connections that sustain us for a long life...

Episode Notes
This episode has been a long time coming; and a short time ending... It has been a fascinating education of mine to learn more and more about the essential roles of fascia, salt, water etc.

There is wisdom in and around our Body that has yet to be tapped into - and that lights me up in a conflagration of enthusiasm to bring it around to YOU!

Technical issues ended this first part somewhat abruptly, but not before covering ideas such as:

- Fascia and Tensegrity - the work of Thomas Myers
- Comprehending the body's system of systems
- Does Functional Patters merit some testing?
- Schuessler's 12 Tissue Salts
- Weaving the physical web of Meaning

Resources to enhance this episode:

Lisa Strbac for more on tissue salts
Steve Falconer - Tissue Salts (Movie)

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