2 months ago

PART ONE Juan is driving through a storm. This is where you need to Brace for Impact yet know you are protected by GOD. When you talk about ISRAEL you should never forget that that is where Jesus Christ Walked. The story of Sarah and Abraham points out that GOD gave Abraham the anointing to bring his PROMISE to his PEOPLE. Juan is very well versed in saying the right scripture at the exact right time. The story of Abraham and Sarah is a story of faith and doubt, and how God's promises can be fulfilled even when it seems impossible. He also brings up NOAH. There is FAITH when it seemed impossible!
The Satanic Holiday tomorrow hasn't been described in quite this way before. The Rockafellers had a tradition of setting a place at the table for Satan. Albert Pike in "Morals and Dogma" wrote about Satanic Ritual in the context of the mind. The Green Man is the "Jolly Green Giant". Modern Israel has let these traditions into their homes! Israel was "left for last". What is Israel hiding?
Q Drop 916
We are saving ISRAEL for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
This is a totally packed PRESENTATION.
Prince William's Occulted Numbers is here: https://kaldanis.blogspot.com/
Juan also talks about the Law of War Manual. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodd/231101p.pdf?ver=2020-07-02-143157-007
The NORAD control center and the Sats that Space Force has command over will be the KEY factor in winning this WAR. This is Informational WARFARE.

Q Drop 4943 FOUR YEAR DELTA "Information Warfare"
Oct 30, 2020 11:45:10 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5915fd No. 11359925
Fact checkers created in effort to reinforce propaganda [digestion]?
The battle to prevent truth from reaching the people.
The battle to maintain and push division.
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat.
System of control.
Information warfare.

And we WILL WIN. With GOD'S Divine Providence. Expect outages across the board.
Full program here: https://rumble.com/v5kh4rh-john-and-juan-war-updates-with-juan-osavin-q-save-israel-for-last-and-much-.html

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