Aaron Siri Testifies Before Louisiana's Select Committee on Homeland Security

4 months ago

As a result of Representative Chuck Owen’s HR133, the Select Committee on Homeland Security convened on Wednesday, September 25th to review the state’s response to covid. One of the committee’s invited speakers was Aaron Siri, the country’s leading legal expert on vaccine litigation. In addition to defeating the covid vaccine mandate for the Air Force, Mr. Siri has successfully sued the FDA to gain access to Pfizer’s clinical trial data and the V-Safe metrics that indicate serious harm associated with covid vaccines.

In his presentation that lasted over an hour, Mr. Siri presented information to the committee that tied the nefarious history of vaccine licensure for childhood vaccines to the questionable approval of covid vaccines. It is vitally important that everyone, especially legislators, understand the decades of unethical practices in the approval process of all vaccines on the CDC’s childhood schedule to fully comprehend that what we have witnessed with covid vaccinations — the obfuscation of clinical trial data, the suppression of vaccine-related injuries and deaths, the marginalization of vaccine injury — is not out of the ordinary. This is standard practice in “vaccine science”. We urge you to watch and share Mr. Siri’s complete presentation below, including the Q and A that followed.

The day actually began with testimony by Jacques Thibodeaux, the new Director of Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), who shared that FEMA has initiated an inquiry into the medical facility established at the Morial Convention center to tackle the “overflow” of COVID patients. While Thibodeaux states $100 million was spent on the facility, it was actually in excess of $178 million.

The facility was in operation until November 2020 and was minimally used. Louisiana hospitals were NEVER overrun.

Louisiana physician and research scientist Dr. Joseph Fraiman offered candid insights into the CDC, stating they are a completely unreliable organization.

We couldn’t agree more.

Dr. Holly Groh gave insight into how healthcare professionals were silenced during COVID, with threats to their medical license from the Federation of State Medical Boards.

The state medical boards were complicit in silencing doctors. As we have stated repeatedly: censorship killed countless lives because effective viral therapies and known vaccine harms were intentionally suppressed.

We can only provide a short glimpse into day one of the two-day hearing, but we highly recommend watching the entire event as time permits.


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