The Right & Left are both USEFUL IDIOTS and Democracy is a SCAM.

4 months ago

Democracy is a FRAUD which relies on massive pysop attacks and manipulation of the America people and election cheating to achieve manufactured consent in everything from policies to "Democracy" itself. Billions in resources, time, and effort wasted in deceiving voters into thinking THEY choose the person who controls a $5Trillion budget and the US Military. Do you actually think that you decide that?

We are all deceived and manipulated, but take Blacks as the best example. Look at all the money and resources spent for decades keeping them ignorant, poor, and on the Democrat plantation. What a WASTE of money and resources and a WASTE of much of 13% of our population, who could be contributing greatly to our society instead of living of off welfare. Most Whites are kept ignorant and poor too by the same wasteful process.

Its not just wasteful but also very harmful. Its makes people into raging maniacs and makes many believe our fellow Americans are our enemy, when our enemies are the elites currently in control, which is a cabal that includes Intelligence agencies in US, UK, and Israel and US/UK/International Financial Institutions in cooperation with the Legacy Media including Hollywood, Music Industry, and News media ... or in other words, the Jewish Mafia. It harms America by always needing the electorate split nearly 50/50, so its easier for them to steal an election. By highlighting some issues and suppressing others this is achieved, but look at recently how this 50/50 split has been achieved: by creating a Woke Monster with their Cultural Marxism, by making so many Americans believe Trump and his supporters are horribly racist and evil and that persecution and attacks on them is OK and open election theft is actually saving Democracy, and then by mass immigration when their Wokism and demonization narrative start to crumble.

This is what Democracy and universal voting rights have accomplished: a degenerate, stupid, gullible nation funding the slaughter of innocents around the world and now $35Trillion in debt. Congratulations.

When America was founded, only property owners voted and they only voted for their state and federal representatives, NOT Senators, and NOT the President.

Why didn't you know that?

Democracy has always been a means to an end, the destruction of Monarchies and Nations/Kingdoms with their sovereign, unique culture and people, a goal of our Freemason founders, and a necessary precursor to the destruction of traditional cultures and then the family itself, on a path towards Communism and eventual One-World government ... and all while the slaves actually believe they are the masters and beg for more enslavement. It is genius, diabolically genius.

The Right & Left are both USEFUL IDIOTS who are unaware of the Hegelian dialectic and the psyops that not just control WHAT we think but HOW we think, along with distracting us from the elites that oppress, exploit, and control us.

Trump is not your savior. Trump is the "Solution" part to the "Crisis-Solution" Psyop constantly presented to the gullible American people. He is the "solution" to the Mass Immigration and Cultural Marxism CREATED by the VERY SAME people that now support Trump.

Now go support the GENOCIDE, support that Terrorist state of Israel that has murdered our sailors and marines and President even. Support the charlatans that have robbed our Treasury, enslaved us in debt, bribed & blackmailed our politicians, manipulated us into Banker War after Banker War with their false flags that you fall for. Or go support the other side of the same Zionist coin, that manipulates and corrupts our children, divides our society with their Immigration and Cultural Marxism called LGBT, BLM, and Feminism that trashes our History, founding Fathers, and HATES White people and Christians, yet many of you claim Israel is our greatest ally and the Bible says we must support these demons.

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