Bob Murphy Crossover: VOTING For Jesus | Hn 69

4 months ago

On this "crossover" episode with Bob Murphy of the Bob Murphy show, Adam and Bob talk about voting. Does it matter if you vote? Or who you vote for? How should libertarians think about the act of voting? What about strategy versus principles?

00:00 -- Intro. Well, Bob is at it again on X. His comments about who he's voting for have riled some people up. Spoiler alert: It's Jesus.
02:24 -- Bob lays out his reasoning about why he's voting the way voting.
10:48 -- Adam asks Bob some preliminary questions to help focus the issue further. Does Bob think one of the two duopoly presidential candidates is "better" in 2024? Does this election matter?
12:35 -- Does Bob think not voting at all is functionally the same as writing in Jesus?
14:25 -- Does Bob think voting for someone who isn't Jesus is immoral in some way?
17:40 -- Does Bob believe that voting is immoral in general, or can one justifiably vote "defensively"?
20:52 -- Adam shatters Bob's illusions regarding write-in votes. Much sadness ensues.
22:54 -- Does Bob take into consideration the "signaling effect" of voting one way versus another?
26:15 -- Adam points out some positive real-world impacts the Libertarian Party has because of the votes they get in various elections.
28:49 -- Adam brings out the big guns, arguing that individualists (as libertarians are) have a hard time thinking about collective action. The "my vote doesn't count" position scales poorly.
33:10 -- Bob responds to Adam's pushback
37:27 -- Adam asks Bob: Would he have voted for Ron Paul in the general election in 2008 or 2012 if he had become the nominee? Bob's answer is telling, and it launches a back-and-forth that clarifies Bob's position in a very interesting way!
44:30 -- Bob discusses the reservations he had/has about announcing his intentions to vote for Jesus. To the extent that he has influence on other people, is he being irresponsible?
48:26 -- Bob opines that libertarians focus a little too much on votes and elections, and not enough on more important matters. Adam agrees.
50:02 -- Outro. Adam promotes the Bob Murphy Show. Bob promotes his mad skillz on X. Also, Adam asks Bob an economics question whose answer can only be heard as a paid subscriber at

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