Biography Islamic Scholar Al-Qushayri | इस्लामिक विद्वान अल-कुशायरी | اسلامی اسکالر القشیری

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Biography of Islamic Scholar Al-Qushayri

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, In this Islamic scholars informative video, we are presenting a comprehensive biography of Al-Qushayri, a pivotal figure in Islamic scholarship. Viewers will gain insights into his teachings, writings, and the lasting influence he has had on Islamic philosophy. Additionally, we will explore the history of his shrine, its architectural features, and its importance as a pilgrimage site for followers.

Abd al-Karim ibn Hawazin Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri al-Naysaburi was an Arab Muslim scholar, theologian, jurist, legal theoretician, commentator of the Qur’an, muhaddith, grammarian, spiritual master, orator, poet, and an eminent scholar who mastered a number of Islamic sciences. Al-Qushayri, combined the routine instruction of a Shafi'i law specialist and Hadith expert (muhaddith) with a solid slant to mysticism and ascetic lifestyle.

He was born in Nishapur which is in Khorasan Province in Iran. This region was widely known as a center of Islamic civilization up to the 13th Century CE.[5] He was the grandfather of the hadith scholar Abd al-Ghafir al-Farsi, a student of Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni.

Al Qushayri was born into a privileged Arab family from among the Banu Qushayr who had settled near Nishapur. As a young man he received the education of a country squire of the time: adab, the Arabic language, chivalry and weaponry (istimal al-sila?)but that all changed when he journeyed to the city of Nishapur and was introduced to the Sufi shaykh Abu Ali al-Daqqaq. Daqqaq was a student of al-Nasrabadhi, who was the foremost ascetic of his time in Khorasan. Al-Nasrabadhi himself was a student of Abu Bakr al-Shiblì, the student of Junayd Al-Baghdadi.

Daqqaq later became the master and teacher of the mystical ways to Qushayri. He later married the daughter of Daqqaq, Fatima. After the death of Daqq?q, Qushayri became the successor of his master and father-in-law and became the leader of mystic assemblies in the madrasa that Abu Ali al-Daqqaq built in 1001 CE, which later became known as al-Madrasa al-Qushayriyya or "the school of the Qushayri family". Qushayri was also the student of Al-Sulami, another student of al-Nasrabadhi.

In later years Qushayri performed the pilgrimage in the company of Abu Muhammad al-Juwayni, the father of the great Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni, as well as traveling to Baghdad and the Hijaz. During these travels he heard Hadith from various prominent Hadith scholars. Upon his return he began teaching Hadith, which is something he is famous for. He returned to Baghdad where the Caliph al-Qa'im had him perform hadith teachings in his palace. After his return to Khurasan, political unrest in the region between the Hanafi and Ash ari-Shafi factions in the city forced him to leave Nishapur, but he was eventually able to return and lived there until his death in 1072/465, when the Seljuq vizier Nizam al-Mulk re-established the balance of power between the Hanafis and the Shafis. He left behind six sons and several daughters between Fatima and his second wife and was buried near al-Madrasa al-Qushayriyya, next to his father in-law Abu Ali al-Daqqaq

Imam al-Qushayri passed away in the city of Nishabur on Sunday morning, the 16th of Rabi’ al-Awwal, 465 AH (30 November, 1072). And he was buried next to his Shaykh, Abu ‘Ali al-Daqqaq.

Sisters brothers friends, and elders, now give us permission, up to tomorow, and tomorow we will described Biography of Islamic Sufi Scholar Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari. Allah Hafiz


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