Oracle Database 19c Installation On Linux Step by Step Bangla Part-2

1 month ago

Oracle Database 19c Installation On Oracle Linux 8.7 - Episode 2: Database Structures and Remote Connectivity in Bangla
Welcome back to Amazing World! In this highly anticipated Episode 4 (Databse 19c Configuration-2) of our Oracle Database 19c installation series, we delve deeper into the world of Oracle on Linux. This episode covers essential topics to ensure a robust database environment.
Episode Highlights:
Oracle Database Installation Types: Understand the different installation structures and choose the one that fits your needs.

Environment Creation: Learn the key steps in creating an optimal environment for your Oracle Database.

tnsnames.ora Creation: A step-by-step guide on creating the TNS entries for seamless database connections.

listener.ora Configuration: Dive into the configuration of the listener to facilitate communication with your database.

TNS listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor ORA-12514. Problem solved.

sqlnet.ora Configuration: Explore the necessary configurations for secure and efficient database connections.

Remote Connectivity: Discover how to connect to your Oracle Database remotely, whether from Windows or another medium.
Why Watch Episode 2 :
Comprehensive coverage of database structures and configurations.
Bangla language support for easy understanding.
Practical insights into remote connectivity for seamless database management.

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