The truth about sin.

5 days ago

I hope I've made it clear. I'm not saying we're ok to live in the flesh. We just have to remember it's about our attitudes. About who we are for Christ. We can't call everyone a fish when some of us need to climb trees. Everyone is at a different level and we can't all be the same, act the same and become the same. We all make the decision every day to live for ourself or live for Christ. Choose ye this day whom you shall serve. We can serve and still live in the flesh, but we must strive to give up the flesh, that's called, living for Christ. If we just live in the flesh and not care that we do or we actually enjoy it, then that's living for ourselves. Again, I'm not saying it's ok to live in the flesh but some of us need more working on and more time I suppose. Sometimes it can be a demonic possession and people may need deliverance. However, ultimately, this is a journey..... Take Judas for instance. He was with Christ, right next to Him, learning from Him. Then with his attitude on money and what it's used for or what it could be used for, drove him to sell the Saviour. Slave out the Christ. (All in God's Will). It was all Judas's attitude towards people and his greed for the money where the sin abounds. Out of all the disciples, which ones were perfect in all their ways!? None! But then which one committed sin, the ultimate sin, (then the devil entered him).... Judas! He wanted to live like the world. Yet all of them were on their journey with Christ. Only Judas would lose.... Because his heart was not in it.

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