Disappearing Boy (2024) Movie Review | The Don't Tell Show

4 months ago

The Don't Tell Show makes and reviews truly independent cinema (along with the occasional essay and classic review)

Here is our review of the fourth feature film from Noam Kroll - https://noamkroll.com - Noam is an LA based writer/director/producer/cinematographer working hard to find alternative production and distribution methods to the traditional Hollywood system.

Disappearing Boy is available to watch in full on his youtube channel here: https://youtu.be/Bz2Zxo0MS_A?si=ZCSUm7mujsJzaOt9

See more of our indie movie reviews here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXh8-FCMoiIsraXfDblZwO2gI5tn0_I0_&si=j4AgbQJLFsZNPEg4

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