CCP Is a Far Greater Threat to the U.S. Than Russia

3 months ago

10/29/2024 John Mills, retired U.S. Army Colonel: For every dollar that Russia spends on malign influence activities, which they do, Iran spends three, two of which they borrow from China, China spends $20. It's not even close, CCP is the threat. And fentanyl from China kills over 120,000 Americans a year, if that’s not war, I don’t know what is.
#ccpthreat #maligninfluence #fentanyl #takedownccp #Chinese≠CCP
10/29/2024 美国退役上校约翰‧米尔斯:在恶意影响力活动方面,俄罗斯每花费1美元,伊朗就花3美元,其中2美元借自中共国,而中共国则花了20美元,这根本不是一个量级的,中共才是真正的威胁。另外,来自中共国的芬太尼每年杀死了12万多美国人,如果这还不算战争,我不知道什么才算。
#中共威胁 #恶意影响力 #芬太尼 #消灭中共 #中共不等于中国人

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