Kamala Harris Father Was a Jew - Jew Breeding Plan (JBP)

4 months ago

Kamala Harris’s father was a jew. The narcissistic, maniacal, psychotic hot mess, who ascended to a drunk and drunk on power, Vice President of The United States of America, didn’t just achieve her political position from prostitution but also through the jew’s always-on-going long-con subterfuge, and breeding plan.

Kamala Harris’s biological father was (or is) a publicly unknown international investment company member, Israeli Nationalist, and jewish global cabal figurehead. The man is a participant in the centuries-old, long-term, multi-generational breeding program where the jews breed political & social leaders and also their mentors & enablers of every race, creed, and color in every country for their world order plan. For this political pawn, her father picked his breeders for select purposes but could also possibly be a man from a gang of groomers who bred the leaders for this era.

The breeding plans go by many names but can be called the Jewish Breeding Plan (JBP) and their world order plan also goes by many names, but can be called the Jew World Order (JWO). The jews target and capture young healthy and fertile females in order to breed leaders and also soldiers, supporters, and surrogates for their sophisticated multifaceted societal scams. The females in the JBP range from both willing participants, who raise the offspring... to kidnapped, drugged, and then discarded victims of human trafficking.

Kamala Harris’s biological mother is probably the same woman who was publicly paraded around as her mother for publicity pictures. In her case, one reason she was chosen was because she is a Bhramin in the Indian cast system, so she could instill a sense of superiority in her offspring. She was also chosen in order to create and Indian angle to infiltrate the United States government. The infiltrator she created is one of many different agents from all types of backgrounds in order to disguise the JWO’s slow and steady multi-cultural soft-attack.

The male who is commonly purported to be her paternal father is probably a JBP product as well, as his grandfather was known to be a jew. He may have been conceived through the JBP as a mentoring agent, or from casual copulation, but either way, he was trained and employed as a communist for the JWO. This Jamaican male figure was not just trained to be a communist agent for the jews but also a communist educator in America. He was able to raise, indoctrinate , and train his temporary daughter to become, as it turned out, a super-predacious communist agent for the JWO.

Kamala’s biological Indian mother was paired with her surrogate Jamaican father in order to create what appeared to be a nuevo-nuclear family from various backgrounds in the globalist-manufactured emerging diverse society of North America. This made-up family also included another female sibling. It is not known if this younger female sibling was actually conceived from the figure posing as the father or another jew from the JBP. It is likely, that the mother in this family is the same for the two daughters, however it is certain that they do not share the same biological father.

Kamala Harris was conceived to be an agent of the JWO and she has been groomed and guided all her life to climb the ladder of Western governance. This political pariah was pushed, this uncouth opportunist pandered, and this black widow prostituted herself out for her handlers. She has been trained and educated to manipulate and subvert every institution along her narrow and crooked path in favor of the JWO deceptions & degeneracy and against any Eurocentric distinction & decency. The unknown and unscrupulous jewish father, and his ethno religious organized crime cult collaborators, created this hellbound communist empty pantsuit zealot, and others like her, to drag this country, and world, into the Jew World Order… also known as... Hell on earth.

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