The Brilliance of BVS: The Defining Contemporary Epic

4 months ago

The Brilliance of BVS: The Defining Contemporary Epic analyzes how Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition continues the traditions of American National Security Cinema by mythologizing America's response to 9/11 and adapting the rhetoric found in Ron Suskind's The One Percent Doctrine. This is first juxtaposed with Batman and Superman's relation to the themes of American National Security Cinema as they were during the Reagan Administration, when nuclear war was the most prominent threat to America.

The Brilliance of BVS is multifaceted, so this will be the first installment of an ongoing series here at Modern Saviors.

Join us on our quest.

Music by:
"The Cause - Celestial" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • 👼 Epic Classical (Royalty Free Music)

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