Did you know?

1 month ago

Did you know?

Did you know that the Harvest (Sukkot) Festival, Halloween and All Saints’/Souls’ Day are three different holidays all happening around the same time or back to back? Two or all 3 of these holidays got mixed up.

✝️💫🙌 What does it mean to celebrate the harvest festival? Celebrating and honoring God. To remember what Jesus Christ did for His Bride and to remind us to repent and be in awe of Him!

⚠️🚫👎 What does it mean to celebrate Halloween? To celebrate and honor Satan, the dead, witches and anything other than God… Did you know millions of innocent children are being sacrifice on Halloween night every year?

🤔What does it mean to celebrate All Saints’/Souls’ Day? Well… It is supposed to be a “Christian” festival to remember and honor all of the Saints who follow and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Kinda like how we celebrate Memorial Day. We remember and honor our men and women who fought and served our country and died in the field. It’s supposed to be the same thing. We remember and honor God’s Saints such as Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Evangelist Billy Graham, Evangelist Kathryn Kulman, Saint Valentine, Saint Patrick and etc… and any of your family and friends who passed away who followed Jesus while alive on earth. They are Saints too.

⚠️🚫👎 Unfortunately this holiday is the Catholic way and it either got twisted or it was intentional to be praying to the dead Saints asking them (the dead) to pray for or over us. That is a big fat no and a big fat lie from the pit of hell. Jesus made it clear not to pray to the dead since they can’t hear or see us because they are either in heaven with Him or hell. We are only to pray to Jesus Christ alone.

❤️Sharing all of this with love. Be careful and be blessed in the Blood of Jesus!

You are either married to the Lamb of God or married to the Beast of Satan. Can’t be married to both. Jesus said He spit out the lukewarm. The good news Jesus will forgive us and help us see the truth and move away from this evilness if you ask Him! 🙌

🤍🔥 The holiday you want to celebrate is Sukkot.

Here’s a few scriptures of many to read on your own and invite Holy Spirit with you!
‬Deuteronomy ‭16‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭
All of Zechariah 14
Ephesians 5:11
John 12:46
1 Peter 1:23

I do not own the right to this song, all credits goes to the original song artist. 🎶

#Jesus #gospel #goodnews #deaf
#hardofhearing #coda #hearing #PSE #Pidginsignlanguage #asl #americansignlanguage #interpreter #translator #lightoftheworld #Salvation #pentecost #HolySpirit #Repentance #Sukkot #halloween #AllSaintsDay #AllSoulsDay

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