Israel: Support The Blood or Land

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Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
Israel: Support The Blood or Land

What does the Bible say about antisemitism? What does the Bible say about God’s people? Who are the current Jews? Who controls Israel? Many Christians are conflicted with the fact that the Jesuits control Israel and the state was forced back unnaturally by the Rothchilds whom purchased the land of the Palestinians right after the fall of the Ottoman Empire? Are we sinning against god for being against the genocide of 3.5 million Palestinians? Why are we supporting Israel who attacked us to begin with? Israel was responsible for attacking one one of our warships and had a hand in 9/11. Israel hasn’t been a friend to America. It’s been telling America what to do. And now the entire Christian nation of America is supporting Israel because they believe in what the mainstream Christian pulpit is telling them. If you don’t support Israel, God won’t support you. I call bullshit. Tonight we are going to take a hard dive into this subject. It’s important that you have the full understanding of the history of our world and the history of the Bible. Otherwise, we will inadvertently choose the wrong side all over again.

Here’s the argument. Jewish people think they have a right through self-determination and claim to control their ancestral homeland. It doesn't matter how Jewish people occupy their land; the point is God has given them divine claim to it. Christians ignore that at their peril. In Romans 11, Apostle Paul reaffirms this land-based promise to Israel by saying that God's gifts and callings to Israel are "irrevocable." God only promised one specific people a specific piece of land. It is Israel, His chosen people. In Genesis, that promise is forever. The writer of Genesis and the other passages uses the Hebrew word for forever that is the most forever you can get, similar to the forever of God Himself. God did not promise land to the Arabs of the Levant (modern Palestinians, who also largely came from the Arab Peninsula).

This argument claims that if you do not support Israel, you are not supporting God and his plans. They also say that God will disown you if you do not support Israel. This is the justification of America supporting Israel. We do so, because we think the Bible says to support God’s chosen people. The same ideology that says Israel will be a thorn in the side of all nations during the end of days.

So, to support the land and nation, you are supporting the Zionist God that is being worshipped by the current land occupiers. Zionism is satanic to the core. Nothing Israel has done has been for the world. They create, patent and hold onto their profits. And during their growth, the continue to push the original land owners into a wall or the gaza strip.

While the New Testament doesn't explicitly state "support Israel," many scholars point to Romans 11:28 as a key verse indicating the continued importance of God's covenant with the Jewish people, suggesting that Christians should have a positive stance towards Israel; this verse states, "But as regards the election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers.". In Genesis 12:1-3 God promised Abraham land, a nation, blessing for those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel.

Psalm 85:1-2— The Psalmist says the Lord has been favorable to Israel's land, He has forgiven the iniquity of the people and covered all their sin. Isaiah 8:8—This land belongs to Father God, and it is the land of His Messiah.

The people of Israel were never God's chosen people. When God made his promise to Abraham that he would bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him, he was referring to Abraham as there was no Israel at the time. It’s a bloodline covenant. For those that say that promise extended to Abraham's descendents, Israel, the Bible also says "not all descendents of Israel belong to Israel" and "a true descendent of Abraham is not ethnic but a citizenship of the heart." God's chosen people are those that have accepted Jesus as the Messiah and their Savior, Jew or Gentile. Christians in Israel are often spat upon and their places of worship attacked. I also read that Palestinian children are tortured and killed. I, for one, do not believe God want us to support people like this.

We need to distinguish between the biblical Israel, which is the Jewish people, and the modern state of Israel.

Here’s the modern take from a pulpit: A christian who believes in the God of Israel understands that the land promised to Abraham Issac and Jacob is an everlasting covenant Gen 17 Gen 26  Gen 35, He also knows the new covenant made in the blood of Christ ( Messiah)  was a covenant made with the house of Israel and house of Judah (  Jewish people). Also in the mercy of God he opened the covenant to the Gentiles. JEREMIAH, EZEKIEL, ISAIAH, AMOS JOEL and the other prohets speak about Israels gathering in the last days (goggle it).  ISRAEL  is Israel they are spoken of by apostle paul in Romans 9 / 10/ 11   Gentiles are WARNED NOT TO BECOME ARROGANT AGAINST THE BRANCHES. BEWARE of these people who are giving you misleading knowledge, God has not cast away his people ( Israel)  the lord will return to a Jewish Jerusalem. We are called to pray forAll yes, but the fulfillment of this covenant (the new covenant)  is made with Israel calling messiah back Mat 23/37

Is the promise of God for land or blood? I believe it is the blood, and modern day Israel and the Christian enablers say it’s the land. If we point out that the current jews occupying the land of Israel is God’s chosen people, we are far off the reservation as DNA has proven the real bloodline or the scattered jews haven’t arrived to Israel, yet. So supporting Israel the land versus the people is what needs to be addressed. Should we judge by the land’s actions or the people’s? The land doesn’t make choices and worship false god’s. It’s just dirt and sand.

A study by geneticists from Harvard Medical School and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that a small population gave rise to most present-day Ashkenazi Jews. The study also revealed unexpected genetic subgroups in medieval German Ashkenazi Jews. German Jews. Israel and the lost 12 tribes are the Israel we are to support. Not the Nazis. Ashkenazi are the Khazars from Prussia who purchased the land of Israel after the fall of the Ottomon Empire. They kicked out the palestinians and declared themselves the real jews.

The prophets, disciples and the rest did not know that the devil would take over the land of Israel

As I studied these genetics principles, I came to the conclusion that the lost tribes of Israel are not just lost and scattered, but that anything that can be called a “tribe” is completely gone. They are clearly culturally extinct and certainly genetically obsolete as a definable entity. To be sure, ancestral ties are probable, but they are nothing special. Why should chance ancestral ties be meaningful if the ancestral connections are unidentifiable?
Even though I became less concerned about a patriarch saying I was a literal descendant of Ephraim, I became more and more troubled by the doctrine of the gathering of Israel ingrained in the history, scripture, and culture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How can a tribe really be restored after it has disappeared?

Brian Shirts, a molecular pathologist and Mormon says, “during the time I studied population genetics as it relates to tribal identity, my daughter had been using Primary songs to memorize the Articles of Faith. Her singing the first line of the tenth article of faith stuck in my head, “We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the ten tribes.” I began asking myself: is this “literal gathering of Israel” and “restoration of the ten tribes” something that I can really believe? The lost tribes are not lost like a set of keys is lost, waiting to be found when someone looks in the right place; instead, they are lost in the sense that they have forgotten who they are, and the physical evidence of their birthright is gone.”

As I studied these genetics principles, I came to the conclusion that the lost tribes of Israel are not just lost and scattered, but that anything that can be called a “tribe” is completely gone. They are clearly culturally extinct and certainly genetically obsolete as a definable entity. To be sure, ancestral ties are probable, but they are nothing special. Why should chance ancestral ties be meaningful if the ancestral connections are unidentifiable?

As I sought answers, I found scientific literature on population modeling showing that ancestors from 2500 to 3000 years ago (from the time of the reign of King David to the captivity of the tribes) can have descendants that span large populations of entire continents today.[5] Population geneticists have looked at migration patterns, inbreeding coefficients, and family size, and calculated that it is likely that the most recent common ancestor of the entire human race was alive approximately 2300 to 3000 years ago.[6] The farther back in history you go from there, the more people become common ancestors, i.e., ancestors of everyone alive now.

Brian came to the conclusion that even today, modern science cannot prove or find the lost tribes of Israel. God’s chosen people. God made a promise to them. Not the Ashkenazi Khazr fake jews. Abraham’s seed. Not dirt. It doesn’t make any logical sense. So god loved the dirt, that he gave his only begotten son? This is actually a case of stolen identity and use of a family name for world power. The majority of jews in Israel are actually German.

Jesus himself did not directly address the issue of supporting Israel as a modern nation-state. However, the New Testament, particularly the writings of the Apostle Paul, emphasizes the enduring significance of the Jewish people and their covenant with God.

Some Christians interpret this as a call to support Israel, particularly in light of the biblical prophecies about the nation's future. Others focus on the universal message of love and peace taught by Jesus, emphasizing the importance of justice and reconciliation for all people, including Palestinians and Israelis.

It's important to note that there is no single, universally accepted Christian viewpoint on this complex issue. Individual Christians may hold diverse perspectives based on their personal interpretations of scripture and their understanding of current events.

* Deuteronomy 7:6-11 God chose Israel to be his own people, even though they were the weakest nation.
* Deuteronomy 33:29 
Israel is blessed by the Lord, who is their shield, helper, and sword. Their enemies will cower before them. 
* Deuteronomy 29 
Moses calls together the people of Israel and tells them that the Lord has chosen them to be his people. 
* Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 
The land and Israel are considered to be the inheritance of the Lord. 

We are to support his blood or people and not his land or nation.

While the Rothschild family did play a significant role in the early Zionist movement and land purchases in Palestine, it's important to understand the broader context:

* Zionist Movement: The Zionist movement, which aimed to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, gained momentum in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  
* Land Purchases: Many Jewish individuals and organizations, including the Rothschild family, purchased land in Palestine during this period.  
* Ottoman Rule: Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire until its collapse after World War I.  
* British Mandate: After the war, Britain was granted a mandate over Palestine, leading to increased Jewish immigration and land purchases.   

It's crucial to note that the land purchases were complex and involved various actors, including individual Jewish buyers, Jewish organizations, and the Palestinian Arab population. The issue of land ownership and dispossession remains a highly sensitive and contested topic in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

When reporting or lamenting over the gross human rights violations and genocide by the modern state of Israel against the Palestinian people, many Christians immediately freak the heck out.
In fact, I am often told that I am “not a Christian” because I dare criticize the state of Israel’s behavior, as if blind support of a modern nation state were an obligation of being a True Christian™. [Editor’s note: a growing number of evangelicals are departing from this view.]

Upon being stripped of my membership card in Christianity, many of these “internet Bible scholars” quickly remind me: God commands us to stand with Israel!

But is that even true? I mean, for those of us who grow up in EvangelFundamentalism we’re taught that from day one– but just because our childhood pastor taught us this, and just because Grandma believed it, doesn’t make it true.

I’ve long written on this topic both on a theological and geopolitical standpoint, but wanted to quickly and concisely lay out a few points in response to the whole, “you’re not a true Christian if you don’t stand with Israel” nonsense.

As your Bible Explainer in Chief, let me quickly break it down for you– because no, the Bible doesn’t command we stand with Israel.

1. The entire “stand with Israel” theology is based on one verse.
…and the verse had nothing to do with any modern nation state born a few thousand years later.

Preachers will claim God commands we stand with Israel in order to be blessed, but that’s not what the Bible says. In Genesis 12:3 God is reported to have told Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” This was a promise to Abraham- neither biblical Israel nor modern Israel existed when this was written. It was a promise to Abraham as part of God’s covenant with him.

2. The Bible teaches that the true descendants of Abraham are spiritual, not ethnic.

The same preachers say, “Yes! It was a promise to Abraham and that extends to his descendants- Israel,” but that’s not the whole story, either. The Bible actually teaches that “not all that descended from Israel belong to Israel” (Romans 9:6) and that a true descendant of Abraham is not ethnic but a matter of the heart (Romans 2:29).

Israel as a nation state is not what the Bible talks about when it talks about Israel. The New Testament Israel is comprised of all those who accept the King of Israel: Jesus.

3. Not even the prophets in the Bible blindly stood with Israel– including Jesus.

The biblical prophets are the last people who would seem “pro-Israel” because they were constantly rebuking Israel for bad behavior. And they didn’t hold back forceful language, either– some wrote that God utterly hated every expression of their religion because they were ignoring justice for the poor and marginalized.
On top of the prophets, remember that Jesus was executed as a traitor and a threat to Israel.

4. The Bible doesn’t command we blindly support people who are committing evil acts.

This is a concept we seem to understand in day-to-day life, but all logic goes out the window when it comes to standing with Israel. For example, yes– God wants one to be faithful to their family, but does that mean you stand by and support them if they want to drive drunk? Do you support them if they want to shoot their neighbor and steal their car? Of course not – that’s nonsense.

Blindly supporting Israel would be like supporting a friend or family member regardless of their behavior, and I see nothing in the Bible or the teachings of Jesus that suggests we are supposed to support those who do evil, as they do evil.

Israel is an apartheid state where the indigenous people are oppressed and victims of untold daily discrimination and violence; it is a state that offers government subsidized abortions regardless of the reason, a place where Christians have had to petition the government so that they can walk down the street without being spat upon, a place where Christian places of worship are routinely attacked, where Palestinian children are mercilessly oppressed and even slaughtered, and a nation that is consistently rebuked by the international community for human rights violations that would not be tolerated anywhere else in the world.

Any theology that tells you to support all that is garbage, and you can figure it out without even having to dig deep into the theology. Like they say, you don’t have to stick your head in a trashcan to know that garbage smells.

The bottom line

What the world calls Israel is NOT what the Bible calls Israel. The world is referring to a nation state that was created just a generation ago– the Bible is talking about the people of Abraham, which are a spiritual people who have accepted their king: Jesus. It’s not a people group one is born into, but a people group you join by pledging your allegiance to Jesus.

So is standing with Israel a biblical concept? No. In fact, the stronger biblical case would be standing in opposition to Israel’s ungodly behavior.

And if you do not support Israel, you are practicing antisemitism. In fact, all social media platforms will remove your post if you say Israel is committing genocide on the palestinians. Well, aren’t they? Israel is a nuclear nation with a huge army and Hamas is just a small cell without an army. Israel has destroyed and plattened all of the land including killing women and children just to find cells. Support that? Never. That is not a God I am in love with. A God that says Hey, they are bad, but I will make them good so let them continue because they are my chosen. I would add this is the same chosen people who crucified their own Messiah to stay in control.

And the argument that Israel has a right to exist? Why? Jesus is coming back and creating a city and not a country. And that city belongs to everyone. Jerusalem will be occupied by all and not any chosen. And, the second temple was destroyed. Jesus said destroy my temple and it will be rebuilt in 3 days. He meant his body. We are all the chosen now. His blood covered all nations, creed and sex. Jesus put an end to a one world government ran be a select few bloodline. Our body is the temple of God now. God lives in us now and doesn’t need a nation or temple to be amongst us. This is the holy ghost which before Jesus died, was not living in us. Backing Israel is supporting terror. Standing with Israel is old covenant law as well. Paul meant stand with the lost tribes which will come back at the very end. ironocally the 144,000 which ironically a double helix of DNA contains 144,000 genes, with 72,000 genes coming from the mother and 72,000 from the father.

Jesus gave a last and final commandment above all commandments. Love your neighbor. Standing with a nation or group of people, countries or organizations that practice lawlessness isn’t what Christianity is all about. Jesus taught us we became a new creature that doesn’t belong here. We are countryless. Just an ambassador representing our true home that we stand for. That is the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible says Satan is the father of lies and the great deceiver. He twisted the word to gain full control of the world. He did the same to Christians worldwide by controlling the evangelical televised Christians who receive the 501c3 deal with the devil. To practice religion and get rich. Just as long as the devil knows how much you are making. This is the same thing as Judas’ 30 pieces of silver. Kenneth Copeland and his satanic stand with Israel is a prime example of casting a spell on people. He believes he is righteous yet has been trying to merge the synagogue of satan with the protestants.

If you google “do christians need to support israel”, you will find thousands of websites that say yes. This is by design. Go to Yandex and you’ll see the majority say no. The Genesis 12 passage of “I will bless those who bless you, curse those who curse you” was given to Abraham. If taken to mean Abraham’s physical descendants, then it would include Arabs and Muslims as well, but everyone seems to exclude them. If taken in a spiritual sense, then the passage is referring to Abraham’s spiritual descendants, or the church. In addition, anyone who has read the Old Testament should obviously see that God wanted Israel to rely on God for protection, not military might. So it’s a bit silly to interpret Genesis 12 as a call to help Israel militarily. That would be missing the point of large portions of the Old Testament.

Who controls this world? It’s still Satan. But he’s missing two points of power. 1.) The keys to death. Everyone who dies will meet him first. 2.) The keys to hell. He can come get you after you call out to his name because his name is what saves. Christians are afraid to not support Israel because they will go to hell. Jesus died so you don’t have to. Otherwise, why did he get the keys? He even went down and set the captives free. Abrahams Bosom which was paradise and hell where the rich man was. There is no biblical reason to stand with any country, even your own, if they practice genocide.

First of all “Christians” cover a lot of ground from Greek Orthodox (the majority of Christians in the region of Israel) to Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Nonconform churches, and who knows what else. Second, Christanity is religion, not politics. You will find all points of view inside the same church.

That said, the old established churches (Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican) tend to favor the Palestinians mainly because the Palestinian Christians tend to belong to these churches and there are many Christian missions among Palestinians belonging to these churches. So they are concerned with protecting their Palestinian members and their missions.

Evangelicals tend to support Israelis mainly because Israel is seen as a stepping stone to the End Times which are an important component of Evangelical theology. The ingathering of Jews in Israel is seen as fulfillment of prophecy, since all Jews must return to Israel before Jesus Christ can return to earth. So in a way, the Evangelicals are also backing Israel in order to protect their own interests.

Stepping stone is not a thorn in the side of all nations. The devil will sit in the third temple in Israel and declare himself God there. Why are we supporting that? Because God wants us to help the Antichrist gain power over us? I will support and defend the 144,000 because they are going to be the messianic Christian jews of the last days. These will be the ones who help usher in Christ’s return. This is who we are to stand with and support.

The 144,000 in the Bible are a group of people who are described in the book of Revelation as being faithful to God and redeemed from mankind: 

* Revelation 7:3: The 144,000 are called "servants of God". 

* Revelation 14:3: The 144,000 are described as "redeemed from the earth". 

* Revelation 14:4: The 144,000 are described as "redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb". 

* Revelation 14:12: The 144,000 are described as people who "keep the commandments of God". 

The 144,000 are interpreted in a variety of ways, including:

* Symbolic: The 144,000 represent all of God's people throughout history in the heavenly Church. The number 144,000 is symbolic because it is 12 x 12 x 1000, where 12 is a symbol for totality. 

* Literal: The 144,000 are descendants of Jacob or others who will play a special role at the end of the world. 

* Jewish evangelists: The 144,000 are recently converted Jewish evangelists who will bring sinners to Jesus Christ during the tribulation period. 

* Purely redeemed: The 144,000 represent the totality of God's pure and perfectly redeemed servants from all time over all the earth.

They will be the last purebloods of Adam that avoided the mRNA triple helix shot - Revelation 7:4. This is the blood we are to support. The Abrahamic blood covenant that God promised will be true forever. Satan is currently trying to wipe away all of Adam’s blood through Cain and the Watcher’s manipulated blood of the serpent.

In conclusion

Israel, the country, means nothing to the Lord, because it is just a country that the devil resurrected for political and military gain. The Father in heaven did not create the state of Israel in 1948. He accepted his Son who became the King of the Jews and his temple is our bodies. The Jesuits, who control the Vatican and Judaism, created it. Jesus wants us to support those in need. Loving your neighbor, like the palestinians who are now without food and water while Israel destroys the Gaza strip for oil, gas, a canal and beachfront resorts. Genocide is the devil’s toolbag. Supporting that is ignorant and evil. Israel the land and nation should be condemned while Israel the true abrahamic blood and people should be protected. Unfortunately, many of the palestinians that are being eradicated are part of the 144,000.


Gemini AI

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