Stop Medically Transitioning Children – Exploring the Cass Review with Dr Jenny Cunningham

3 months ago

23rd September 2024

On 10th April, 2024, NHS England published the independent Cass Review’s final report, which investigated the NHS’ medical interventions for gender dysphoria provided to children and young people. These services include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, castrations, and mastectomies. Dr Hilary Cass and her team failed to support ‘affirmative gender care’ through their findings. As a result of the review, NHS England has stopped prescribing puberty blockers for under 18s, and the report has received international attention.

Did the Cass Review go far enough in its research and recommendations? Dr Jenny Cunningham discussed ‘sex’ and ‘gender’, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the Cass Report, with Diane Rasmussen McAdie.

Dr Cunningham is a retired community paediatrician who worked in Glasgow for 30 years. She has particular experience in neurodevelopmental and autism diagnostic assessment. She is a Board Member of the Scottish Union for Education (SUE). She has written a pamphlet entitled Transgender Ideology in Scottish Schools: What’s Wrong with Government Guidance? and an article about the Cass Review for SUE.

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