Destiny's pending treatise regarding deplatforming - Destiny

3 months ago

Destiny, who has previously said he does not like cancelling or deplatforming and has previously split with Nick Fuentes over his allies flagging Destiny's then-friend MrGirl off of youtube, has conceded that his community has been mobilized for cancellation "for the first time" against his rival Hasan (on Destiny's behalf and with his blessing) to the point of contacting advertisers. Destiny says he will soon be developing an intellectual framework justifying deplatforming and cancellation attempts under specific circumstances, i.e. "good" and "bad" deplatforming. Destiny pinky promises that this actually has nothing to do with Hasan and says he simply doesn't like Twitch, a platform he has been banned from for years, being a "radicalization platform for terrorists."

Clip taken from:
Hasan Character Assassinates Ethan

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