No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 074: Minor playback ping update, then more sounds updates

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-10-29 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

As a bit of a warmup I started out the day by updating the playback Ping. The blue one got brighter, then I swapped so blue means left click and orange means right click. There was nothing tricky about this one.

Then it was a bunch of audio updates. I tried various sounds in different combinations for different events. This was very trial-and-error but I think there are enough sounds to convey what is happening and sound okay. There were also some updates to various ActionSequences to make sounds and animations align better. There was also a bug when exiting the game while things were still running, but now that has been cleaned up to be much safer.

Then I made a small detour to change the "clear deductions" button icon from an eraser to a trash can. It fit the sound better and is more easily recognized as an icon than the old eraser one.

With that done I started exploring music. There are several options for playing music and I don't know which I want to go with. For some initial testing I started prototyping a generated waveform Song. Some basics are there to begin testing with to see if I can make something that sounds good.

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