Ding Guo, a journalist who advises B.C. NDP Premier David Eby

4 months ago

This video should be shared every day to highlight how foreign interference is not just a Federal matter.

"A journalist, who is also an advisor to British Columbia Premier, David Eby."

Foreign Interference hits Provincial Level - Timeline:

- Trudeau wins an Election with Foreign Interference;

- Liberals presented with a CSIS report talking about the threats of Foreign Interference in Elections, which they knew about because they benefitted from it;

- BCNDP John Horgan get's cancer from his jab injury and jumps in line ahead of others for cancer treatment;

- Publicly humiliated for his selfishness, Horgan decides to step down as premier triggering a leadership vote;

- Eby and Appadurai are the only 2 NDP candidates that can scrape together $15k to run in the leadership race - Appadurai was disqualified for cheating.

- Eby is acclaimed as BCNDP Leader and becomes Premier of BC;

- CSIS Whistleblower leaks information to media about Foreign Interference because Liberals sat on information for too long;

- Trudeau creates NDA to view CSIS information for MPs;

- Trudeau hires family friend David Johnston as Special Rapporteur to investigate Foreign Interference;

- Upon learning that one of the Senators that he'd appointed was on the list, Johnston creates watered down report, never letting on that the current Premier of BC - David Eby, has ties to Foreign interference through Canada Committee 100 Society;

- Hogue investigation;

- The day before he's set to testify at the Hogue Inquiry - Trudeau creates diplomatic war with India, has RCMP hold a press conference to talk about India and their alleged and unsubstantiated influence in Canada - crimes, homicide, assassinations;

- Trudeau Testifies that there are several Conservatives on the list, faulting Conservative Leader - Pierre Poilievre, for allowing this to happen by not signing NDA;

- Federal NDP Leader - Jagmeet refutes Trudeaus claim, having seen the list and will not confirm Trudeaus testimony, stating only, "The Prime Minister said that he seen several conservatives", and never confirming that he, himself had seen the same;

- Sam Cooper tells Hogue Commission about Eby and ties to 2 Senators and his advisor with PRC;

- BC Election takes place, adding in Phone Ballots, approved by David Eby;

- Tabulators unable to tabulate all votes, leaving 49K uncounted, in a "Close Race";

- 17K More Ballots arrive;

- Majority of ballots unsurprisingly go to BCNDP - as the fix was already in;

- Following counting of mail in ballots, BCNDP sinch majority government;

Press Never Reports on ANY OF THIS!

Did I miss anything?

Source: https://x.com/keriksenv2/status/1851413118863413478

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