Getting Bit?

4 months ago

If you have chronic health issue and don’t know where to start to get rid of them, that is exactly what I can help you.

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Chronic Illness: Finding The Root Cause

Wednesday’s Why – Bits
Well, when you move to a new area you never know what you will discover.
When I was in Louisiana I learned about
Heavy Mentals on the rods and in the air

You have heard about the canary in the Cole mine?
Well, I have my puppy that alerts me of what is new and impacting our health.

We were here 4 days and she got parasites, then flee bits, a tick, spider bits, oak mites, then ate some moldy bird food.

She sure keeps me on my toes.
But this helps me and you.
Learning how these things impact our health and how to rid the body of them to get our health back on track.

I helped her…
Get rid of the parasites
Got a natural flee pendent
Worked on her Kidneys
Got rid of her diarrhea
Got rid of flees with a natural pesticide
Now she is sleeping happily and so are we.

It is all about finding the Rout Cause.
I use muscle testing to know exactly what she is dealing with so I know how to fix it.
I work with animals, babies, elderly.
They can’t always tell you what is going on, but I can find out.

Let’s connect so you know your “Why”
So, your Chronic Symptoms can go away

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