GET OFF THE 'X!' Saboteur with Bolt-Action Rifle Survives Direct Engagement with Enemy Fire Team

3 months ago

A FIA saboteur attempting to interfere with a power station on Altis realizes that he has inadvertently triggered an alarm. A CSAT fire team is dispatched to investigate, and the saboteur makes the wise decision to "get off the 'X'". Despite being armed with only a Remington 700 bolt-action rifle, he decides to start recording with his GoPro and tempts fate against the fire team. Needless to say, things get a little dicey.

Main Mods:

-ACE+KAT+AWR Medical

-PIR Ragdoll Physics Only

-Lambs Danger A.I.

-Military Gear Mod

-Hunting Rifles Pack

-JSRS Sound + Enhanced Soundscape

-Blastcore Murr Edition

-WBK Simple Blood

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