2 Corinthians 06 The God Who Makes Us Adequate as Ministers of a New Covenant 3.4-18

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SBC Family,

Tonight we will look at how superior the new covenant is to the old covenant. We will also look at the tempestuous topic of the Ten Commandments and whether believers are under and should keep the Ten Commandments or not. Usually people have ways of trying to manipulate the text so they can get things the way they want them or think they should be. This is just playing God. The text is perfect and it is people who manipulate and tinge in order to get things the way they think they should be.

I've attached notes for this section with an excursus on the new covenant.

Be ready with any questions you may have. I am definitely not saying everything that could be said, so there are doors left deliberately open in my presentations of God's word.

Grace to you,


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