How to COLLAPSE a Civilization in 10 STEPS

2 months ago

How to COLLAPSE a Civilization in 10 STEPS

A free guide on how to destroy society, 100% proven to work. A quick rant about the state of modern world made in a comedic way. This video is part satire so CIA, Mossad, ADL, WEF, WHO, Soros, Schwab, please don't raid my house.
Sincere thanks!

00:00 Step 1: Feed them garbage
00:29 Step 2: Promote rampant consumerism
01:27 Step 3: Feed them brain rotting content
02:53 Step 4: Brainwash them through movies
04:08 Step 5: Falsify history
04:47 Step 6: Brainwash your kids
05:33 Step 7: Divide the men and the women
06:45 Step 8: Give them the illusion of choice
07:33 Step 9: Feed them drugs
08:18 Step 10: Replace God

#satire #comedy #politics #society #rant #modernity #tiktok

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