UN's Strategic Influence on Global Education: Fact or Fiction?

3 months ago

"Now going back to the UNs understanding of human rights they actually are very explicit about this. If you go to article 29, for example, you will find that none of your rights and privileges may be used contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

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Alex Newman - October 17, 2024 - Vancouver, British Columbia

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, nationally syndicated radio host, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, and hosting a nationally syndicated radio program, Alex has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), a contributor to George magazine, an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more.

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