Del Bigtree on how they never properly safety tested the vaccines

4 months ago

"Donald Trump said Bobby Kennedy and me all the way back in 2017 and a bunch of scientists said, go to the NIH, bring all of your problems with the vaccine program in front of Tony Fauci, Francis Collins and all the luminaries of our vaccine development programs.

We went there and we're like, Hey, we can't find a single placebo trial of any of the childhood vaccines. What is going on here? Are you doing them and not showing anybody? Or are you just skipping the only safety test there actually is? In the end they said, we don't do placebo trials because it'd be unethical.

And then we said this, and this is the biggest thing I see that everybody. So instead you just tested on everybody. Instead the entire world's your test and there's no way to absolutely, there's no post marketing surveillance systems accurate enough to figure out, they'll just tell you, well, it's correlation, not causation. All the millions of people.

And now they've gone further with mRNA. That's not even a vaccine. Oh my God. Now we're in scary-ville, right? Now you're messing with your DNA. And I just did an interview. I don't know if you've had on Naomi Wolf yet. Have you had her on and talked about what she's done? It's amazing. Cause she's looking at the data that we won from the Informed Consent Action Network.

The Pfizer data right now. And what she's saying is there's a shocking amount of investigation into fertility. This was a vaccine that was supposed to be. about your lungs, about an upper respiratory condition, but it seems that all these people, the real trials are doing on is, did you lose your period? Did you hemorrhage in your period? What happened to your eggs? Did your sperm last?

What's happening to the testes of a baby when their mother's vaccinated? They're like obsessed with fertility. They're testing the effectiveness of their weapon. That's it. I mean, I don't know how else you can look at it. The show, Utopia, like 10 years ago in England and five, three years ago, four years ago. It's all, it came out right before, six years ago, it's all about what they actually did. Yeah. They even tell you.

They told you, you know, the entire, they did the, you know, the run through that Mickey Welles talks about so brilliantly, you know. They were practicing on what? A COVID virus sweeping the world. I mean, they did a whole practice run through on how we're gonna have to get everybody to mask and how we're gonna have to ramp up a vaccine, you know. It was like- People asked how I put up- It was a whole table read for a movie we all lived through a year later. "

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