One Day at Kitty Hawk

3 months ago

Kiddos are invited along on this TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURE with Old Mrs. Moody and Catbaloo!

They’ll buckle up in the time machine and travel back to Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903 – just in time to help spin the propeller to start the engine on the first powered flight in history.

Kiddos will hear interesting facts about the Orville and Wilbur Wright and Kitty Hawk and they'll discover that it was because of teamwork and determination that the Wright Brothers saw their dream of flight come true.

When the time machine returns to 2024, Will there be a stowaway aboard? Maybe so! Meeowwww!

Fun activities while and after you listen:

As you buckle your kiddo into their car seat, pretend they're buckling into the time machine with Old Mrs. Moody. Do the countdown together, 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... and off you go!

Raise your hands and grab the imaginary propeller. Give it a good spin with Orville Wright to start the flying machine.

Have a day of making paper airplanes and watch how the air we cannot see keeps the planes aloft.

What do "Little Wilbur" and "Puff Kitty" look like in your imagination? Draw a picture of the kittens. 

As always, it was my heart-felt pleasure to produce this audio drama for you and your precious little ones.

Thank you for listening!


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