The Great Awakening

4 months ago

VAST Multitiudes seeking truth fail to find because they're so easily led astray by worldly logic, high sensuality, vain esoterism or specious mysticisms. I KNOW. I WAS.

I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new age gnostic 😁 I was an "awakened" galactic variant for the span of 30 years. For the most part I happily flowed with the lofty holistic course of pantheistic unity: hinduism, buddhism, kundalini, yogi's, guru's, David Icke, Eckhart Tolle and similar "illuminated" sorts and the streams of data proffered by channeled beings such as Ascended Masters, Starpeople, Archangels, legendary philosophers and ancient spirits.

I was known on the merry old internet by the "cosmic" name Da-Renn with surnames appended o'er the years such as Zuvuya (riding the galactic wave to freedom) and the Brahman singed moniker: Avadhuta.

Around 9 Years ago I was compelled to renounce all that and revert to my parental given name: a gesture of humility that's right and good. My soul changed subtly yet dramatically with the dawning of a Blessed Clarity like I couldn'tve believed beforehand.

For a long time I really thought I knew something. Now I know I knew nothing. Nothing of true and EVERLASTING WORTH anyway: ONLY HARDCORE TEMPORAL DELUSIONS

There's a lotta talk about our Inner Divinity yet it's founded on slowly sinking sands. The snooty self-absorption I see running amok in this crazy world ECLIPSES the Divine. Self-Righteousness *repels* true Divinity.

Too many harbour inveterate ideas about themselves and the Divine; the multifarious numinous perversions of our reality foster manifold spiritual DELUSIONS. It's the nature of our fallen world to give out mixed messages and be theologically Messed-Up.

For sure the upper (3rd) heaven is Everlastingly Divine but not so on lil ol' Planet Earth: as above so below rings true only when factoring in the deviant environment of the astral realms and the 2nd heaven (space).

The lower heavens are historically appropriated by luciferian beings in staunch opposition to REAL GOD and who hate the True JESUS. Mankind is obliviously subjected to a myriad of LIES and is soul seared 🔥 by bent esoterism, specious mysticism, twisted logic and refined Egomanias conflated with True E N L I G H T E N M E N T.

We're a fallen race living in a fallen world. Divinity ain't within us unless bestowed by GRACE from without, in response to an overriding desire to know WHAT'S REALLY WHAT. Divinity is gifted to us by a principle need for truth - if we NEED truth above ALL ELSE.

Despite what any conceited spiritual "influencer" tells you, in our current state we're not Divine and without the Grace of a certain SPIRIT we're nowhere near the Divine. For the most part Divinity - as projected by occult luciferian beings into the mind - is a virtual (but not quite) reality.

Humanity is encouraged to use its creative powers and high imagination AGAINST the Divine in subliminal and open rebellion, co-creating astonishing material technologies and endless spiritual simulations passed off as truth. Elon Musk is REACHING HIGH building the modern world's version of the *tower of Babel* (Space X, A.I. Neurolinks etc) and popular gurus such as Osho and Sadhguru are unwitting channelers of an *ancient evil* they fail to recognise.

After 30 years absorbing new age doctrine, neo-vedantic hinduism, gnosticism and "ancient wisdom" propaganda the *Scales Fell From My Eyes* and it was quite the surprise. . . . You know the old adage: when the student is ready the teacher appears? Well it took 30 years for me to be ready and - lo and behold - my teacher turned out to be the HOLY SPIRIT.

Spirit led to the REAL Yahshua/Jesus Christ and everything changed: Paradigm Shifted. This is the New Birth (John 3)

We need the New Birth because we're essentially born spiritually *dead.* Life is temporary (Psalm 144:4, James 4:14) DEATH is our ultimate end, a major factor of all life on the earth. Billions upon Billions have died since Creation and a great many quite horribly. Eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil always leads to death and the masses are still eagerly chomping on it (it's good for food you see, pleasant to the eyes, a tree to be desired to make one wise)

Jesus conquered death and Satan. He's our Tree of Life now (John 6:30-68). We gotta keep our Eyes (hearts) on HIM. Anyone truly accepting JESUS gains Everlasting Life, those who aren't are in the fallen (luciferic) light and face everlasting *death* (Matthew 10:28).

"Gentle Jesus" is SERIOUS business folks (Matthew 25:31-46)


For all the tak of a Great Awakening a Greater Deception is coming. The End-Times are *dead ahead:* a time of tribulation and Antichrist is near.

Put your heart and soul into Jesus' Hands before it's too late: He walks ABOVE the wind and the waves (world events)

If you wanna go deeper into this besowed VISION check out my blogscape

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