Ukrainian Scenario for Slovakia

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Since October 8, the Slovak and Czech public has been the target of a well-organized media dehumanization campaign that defames the participants of the ALLATRA International Public Movement.

This wave started after a Czech journalist, the author of a huge number of derogatory articles that incited hatred against various groups of people, was summoned for preliminary interrogation. Exactly two weeks after this preliminary hearing, a synchronized media lynching of the ALLATRA movement began. More than one hundred and forty articles in Slovak newspapers in just nine days say it all. How much does such a campaign cost? In the articles, ALLATRA's name is constantly associated with danger, with the aim of instilling fear in the public. In reality, however, this lynching was addressed mainly and primarily to the Slovak General Prosecutor's Office with the aim of pressuring it to stop the investigation.

This process very quickly became a political issue, abused by opposition politicians who opposed the democratic rights of free citizens with their hateful statements. As a result, this pressure on the prosecutor's office was unfortunately successful.

Do we realize that in the near future, all of us will feel the far-reaching consequences of such a defeat of democratic principles? How is it possible that only one side is heard in the whole witch hunt? The one that pays, and that has access to the media…? For whom is it beneficial and why should an average person even care?

#allatra #dehumanization #prosecution

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