HISTORIC! A NEW BRICS WORLD ORDER! - China To Forge NEW World Currency With Russia as WW3

4 months ago

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the historic BRICS summit as China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, The UAE, Iran and many other countries meet to form a "New World Order" based in a new world reserve currency which is said to be backed by gold (though there's absolutely no evidence of that). The west has purposely collapsed itself and it's all been part of a concerted agenda to bring in a new system of technocratic governance worldwide utilizing the "excuse" of World War 3 and global economic collapse. China which Klaus Schwab claims is the "role model" for the Great Reset is making historic agreements with India which has on paper been approaching war with China for years. This brings the two most populated countries in the world together into a new economic system. India was one of the first countries in the world to attempt to go "cashless" while giving homeless people bank accounts in order to track and trace them. This was a historic test nearly a decade ago which was of course very controversial considering the significance of gold in India. While on paper, India and China appeared as enemies, it was always just a veneer as this new economic system comes through. Iran which is the target of genocidal Israel at the moment, like Israel, Iraq, Ukraine, Russia and China was propped up by the west in the first place. The World War 3 scenario playing out right now was scripted long ago. Iran has been meeting at BRICS in Russia with both Russia and China as well as forging new agreements with India as well. The controlled opposing sides here have one major thing in common. They work for the same boss towards the same goal of global technocracy with CBDCs, food rations and restrictions in 15 Minute Cities. China has declared they're ready to go to war. The United States has claimed they're readying to fight China by 2027. NATO is moving into Russia fast. Israel wants to attack Iran alongside the United States. This will cause a global calamity and like so many have said before... "Order Out Of Chaos."

Prepare yourselves!

Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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