Moving Beyond Covid - The Book

4 months ago

2 videos in one. #1 Original Announcement
#2 the updated shorte announcement.
#1. M.D.s are not trained in naturopathy, period! Medical schools are super prejudicial. #2. They simply take the words of pharmaceutical companies and TRAINED [sales] reps. that are also trained by the companies. Kind of like trainees teaching the experts. HUH?!? #3. They treat symptoms, not causes. The opposite holds true with N.D.s. To be clearer, symptoms point to a cause.
Dr. Ardis is a D.C.,but studies and researches naturopathic medicine and diseases AND their causes. Nicotine, found in nightshades (food), is natural. (Not chemical laced cigarettes or chewing tobacco!) He is joined by many other N.D.s that are also in overdrive research. Also, many medical doctors are waking up and discovering and promoting natural products. (Dr. Grundy, cardiologist, is one.) If there is one video that you need to (must) watch. .. CANCER - The Forbidden Cures. You will never think of nor view modern medicine in the same way, ever again. GUARANTEED.

Many years ago, I read a book, BACK TO EDEN, by Jethro Kloss. This sparked my interest in herbal remedies. I tired of it, somewhat, after Prevention magazine wore me weary with so many products + confusing info. sometimes seeming conflicting. Skip way ahead, my mother was Dx'd with stage 4 I.B.C. in 2013, did chemo and died + she wished she hadn't. During her convalescence, starting as soon as we heard, i went into overdrive mode to try help save her life. Too little and WAY too late. In fact, if i had known then, what i know now, there would have been a fairly good chance that I could have, even at that late stage.

I know relatively very little about Rx. I just knew that i wanted to stay away from them, as much as possible. I've not had any preventive injections for decades. The last time i received a "flu shot", i got a bad case and know of others who also had the same experience.

Before my more recent research, even then i could suggest several natural remedies to others. One is supplemental magnesium, which resolved previous migraine headaches. This works in about 90% of cases. Others would take too long to discuss. I've had ZERO negative feedback, save for something not working, as i just pointed out. I'm not an N.D., so do not and can not prescribe treatments (only suggest trying), yet do highly recommend you find a good one ( Naturopathic Doctor ). Sorry, I can't reference one, because I haven't needed one. (wink!)

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