A.I. and vaccines being involved in a network surveillance program, commonly referred to as Wide Body Area Networks (WBAN). And coping mechanisms for A.I. assimilation.

3 months ago

*D Booma San Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/DBoomaSan

Painfully Beautiful Truths Telegram & Chat:

**Donation Options | Certainly not expected but does help afford the video editing costs of Adobe Premiere Pro and the license-free stock footage and music from Envato Elements and Artlist ~ Thank you in advance if you do wish to help support my work!



***All the amazing Painfully Beautiful Productions LLC & D Booma San logos done by the brilliant and talented (Kasey Q)!


Love Oasis share ~ An Aussie woman who has taken the jab describes the kundalini spirit that is the force being used as part of AI combined with the bioweapon & frequencies | Gabbi Choong on telegram (shared by Love Oasis in DMBS Chat): https://t.me/gabbichoong/2243

The false fire of the Kundalini, Queen of Heaven attacks the throat & vocal cords. Amanda Buys Journey 2 Freedom book 9 has powerful prayers for breaking this spiritual bondage find here: https://www.kanaanministries.org/product/j2f-book-9/

“Assimilated individuals report feeling a blocking of their throat by an energetic pulsating current traveling up from the body and into the brain. It affects their own ability to speak. The A.I. (beast) often interferes with their speech, either speaking through the host or causing the host to recite the words of a script coded into their eyelids. See this article of a woman describing the Assimilation process as, “a pulsing current that moves in a circuit” throughout her body.’ Article referenced: https://substack.com/home/post/p-149644621


And thank you, JY, for finding Sarah Israel's Rumble Channel and Substack!

Sarah's Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheDecode

Sarah's Substack: https://bibledecode.substack.com/

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