A Witness and A Seed (Live Service 2024 October 28)

4 months ago

One of the best methods to share Jesus with others is to share our experiences with Him. What has the Lord done in your life? What have you seen Him do in the lives of other people? Whatever that experience is, you will find others in your circles who need the same God in their life. This type of testimony comes from a place of sincerity and genuine authenticity. You don't have to quote scriptures from memory, have a theological degree, or be in one of the five ministry offices to be an effective witness that leads people to saving faith in the risen Lord.

This type of witness demonstrates the Glory of God, shining a light into someone else's darkness and acting as a seed that holds great potential. The natural state of a seed is growth. It wants to grow, blossom, and bear fruit. But it's up to you to spread seeds through your testimony of Christ's work. A Witness and a Seed will be the topic this week at End Time Church.

Join us as we hear some testimonies of God's glory and share your story in the comment section. After the message, there will be a special time of focused prayer over your specific needs. Your faith will be built during the message, allowing the seed planted in you to grow. We believe you will begin to see answers to your prayers as the seed of faith in your heart is inspired by the message. If you are not born again or are questioning why you should be born again, don't miss this opportunity.

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