The top 1% of the world’s population own 80% the world’s wealth. It’s incredible! 🤢🤢🤢

3 months ago
About the photo: North America. Early 20th century. Sequoia National Park. Huge trees were cut down mercilessly in this area. Natural genocide was stopped by Walter Fry. In 1888 Walter Fry first encountered giant sequoias as a logger and was shocked. After spending more than five days with a logging crew to cut and fell a single tree, he counted the annual layers on the trunk of the fallen giant. He had to count for several days and the answer was astonishing: 3266 rings, that is, 3266 years of life. Two years later, thanks to Fry's efforts, the area was placed under U.S. government protection, and in 1914 the Army finally withdrew from the leadership of the Park and Fry was appointed its official civilian manager. No more living sequoias have fallen since then.
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"It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles who create the rebels."
ThanQ, AlgorythemQ
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"The Burrp!" explained!
@MisbehavingIrishman @AlgorythemQ You can do what ya like! burrp!

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